Dynamic Keyword Research – Don’t Optimize Campaigns on Sinking Sand


Marketing on the web is demand-driven.  Searchers are looking for answers.  The best way to dominate the game is to become the best answer to their questions. This is why it’s important to do dynamic keyword research instead of static keyword research. (Read that post before the rest of this one)

It’s also why you don’t copy and paste the same ads into all of your ad groups talking about yourself and what makes you great.

You’re only great if you’re great at answering the searcher’s
question.  If your paid search campaigns are not organized around this
foundational principle, you need to go back and make this happen.  The
above example happens all the time.  The searcher is looking for a
specific type of business card.  They have questions about it that they
are looking to get answered.  The search is matched with an ad that
doesn’t attempt to answer them.  It attempts to persuade the searcher
that they are the best.  The searcher doesn’t care about your opinion of
yourself.  They care about getting their questions answered.  If you’re
looking at your metrics and crunching the numbers every month without
first getting this right, go back and do this first.

Demands change.  So questions change.  What are searchers asking right now compared to what they were asking last year?  Has anything changed?  Is it the same?
This is how you become the best answer to your searcher’s questions
right now, not just when you initially did keyword research at the start
of your account.  Then, when you find out what’s going on in your
market, you can organize your ads to be the right answer to the
questions searchers are asking in their search queries.

Why is this so important?  If you don’t answer the questions your
prospects are asking right now, the performance downward spiral begins…

In order to keep this downward spiral from happening, it’s important
that paid search managers prioritize time in their accounts to include
dynamic keyword research, the creation of ads that answer new and rising
searches, and the organization of those ads to show to the right search
queries.  Without getting this right first, all other optimizations are done on sinking sand.

Mike Fleming specializes in Analytics and Paid Search for Pole Position Marketing, a leading search engine optimization and marketing firm helping businesses grow since 1998. You can follow Mike on Twitter at @SEMFlem. Mike enjoys playing, writing and recording music along with playing basketball to get his workout in. He resides in Canton, Ohio with a girl who threw a snowball at him one day…then married him.

Mike and the team at Pole Position are available to help clients expand their online presence and grow their businesses. Contact them via their site or by phone at 866-685-3374.

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