Camping Self-Defense: 5 Important Tips
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The following guest article talks about Camping Self-Defense.
There’s something primal and innate about going camping in all of us. Maybe it’s the desire to leave everything behind and become one with nature. Perhaps it’s the lack of basic necessities that excites our survival instincts. Or maybe we just want to kick back, drink a beer, and sit around a campfire with friends.
Whatever your reason, camping is one of the top activities for families, couples, and individuals. With approximately 40 million people in the US camping every year.
As more and more people take to the woods to find respite. Often putting themselves in unfamiliar environments where they are exposed and vulnerable to danger.
So how do you enjoy the freedom and benefits of camping, while still feeling safe and protected?
There are a few key aspects of camping self-defense. Whether you are at a local campground or backpacking deep into the woods. The first step should always be planning your camping trip. This will ensure you’re knowledgeable about the area, potential dangers, and available resources.
Planning is a universal trait of good preppers and camping is one getaway you can plan for in advance. Use the internet to research the camping site and obtain the following:
The planning step allows you to learn the conditions, environment, and potential hazards. Preparation is the next step and involves learning important skills and practicing scenarios that might occur.
Preparation is making yourself ready for a situation by practicing for it and learning the necessary skills. Camping self-defense preparation includes general self-defense training but also how to utilize the camping environment to your advantage.
Large sticks and branches will be plenty, so bringing some to your campsite is a great idea. You can use them for campfire tools, tent stakes, and of course handheld self-defense weapons. There will also be rocks, stones, dirt, or gravel on the ground that can be used to throw at potential attackers as projectiles
During the day be mindful of where these objects are located so you can easily find them in darkness. Besides natural objects like sticks and stones. You should always carry equipment that will double as both camping tools and self-defense equipment.
Part of the fun of going camping is utilizing tools that we hardly ever get to use during our normal 9 to 5-day jobs. Tools like knives and rope are items our ancestors used to survive that we barely touch nowadays because everything is so modernized. Here is a list of important equipment items to bring that will have dual purposes for camping and self-defense:
Knives can be used in camping for preparing food like cutting fruit, opening packages. Or taking down small animals for food if necessary.
Knives can help create tinder and be used as a striker to start fires. They can cut various cloths, ropes, tape, or materials that need to be resized for various purposes. Such as first aid, pitching a tent, or sealing food.
Lastly, knives can be used to create useful tools from sticks, branches, and other materials that you bring. It’s pretty self-explanatory that knives can also be used for self-defense purposes by stabbing or cutting a predator who’s trying to impose physical harm to you. A knife can be one of the best multi-use tools to bring with you out in the wilderness.
Pepper spray can be used to fend off animals such as bears or mountain lions that are stalking your campground for food. Bear spray, which is intended for animals, is most effective as it has a lower concentration of oleoresin capsicum than pepper spray.
This is so you don’t incapacitate the animal and leave it writhing in pain on your campground – you simply want to scare it away. Pepper spray or bear spray can also be used for self-defense purposes on intruding 2-legged animals that wish to do you harm.
Rope has an infinite amount of uses in camping and survival. It can be used as a rescue line in lakes, an anchor line when hiking up difficult terrain. A makeshift tent frame, a fishing line, a clothesline, a towing device, and many more.
You can use a rope for self-defense purposes by creating a perimeter around your campground with tripwires to alert you of trespassers. Another great rope use is if you’ve been attacked by a perpetrator, have subdued him, and want to restrain him until authorities arrive.
Set up your campsite strategically using natural barriers to your advantage. If you’re setting up camp next to the side of a mountain or near a large boulder. Arrange your tent and ground so that the natural barrier is on the backend.
This will ensure no one can sneak up behind your tent and reduce the entry point perimeter. If there are multiple tents, place them facing one another so they are all quickly accessible.
As mentioned above set up tripwire around the campsite using rope and cans, or modern motion sensors. If you drove to the campground, keep your keys handy. And park your car close by so you can seek shelter there if necessary.
Your best bet for current, important information will be to socialize with other campers and staff. If there’s a rowdy group of campers or news of suspicious events occurring at night. Other campers and staff will be the most well-informed and can alert you.
Simply ask “How has your camping time been so far? Pretty calm and not much to worry about huh?” and they will let you know of anything remotely alarming. This will put you on good terms with another group of campers in case you need anything like extra supplies.
While camping is one of the best ways to relieve stress. We should always be vigilant of our surroundings even in the backcountry. Some people might think that preparing for self-defense makes you more worrisome. But we firmly believe it gives you more confidence and peace of mind.
This article was written by Defender Ring™ a self-defense company with a vision to create a safer everyday life for many people around the world.
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