Low grade Dyskaryosis with hpv
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5 posts since
11 Sep 2018
i had my smear results which state I have low grade Dyskaryosis with hpv and I’m absolutely petrified. I can’t stop crying and I’m constantly worried. My colposcopy is on the 25th sept and I’m so scared. Can anyone offer any advice?
Many thanks!
1038 posts since
9 Mar 2011
Hello Clairebear and thanks for your post
I can appreciate that getting any test result that requires further investigation is worrying. However, in this case it is just a precaution, it is not because anything serious such as cancer is suspected.
As you know cervical screening is done to look for abnormal changes on the cells of the cervix. It is done so these abnormal changes can be monitored or treated at an early stage. Low grade changes (as in your case) are more likely to revert (go back) to normal on their own.
Your cervical smear detected a low level of abnormality (low grade dyskaryosis) in some of the cervical cells. The next step for you now is to have a colposcopy examination done to have a closer look at the cervix and examine the area of abnormality on your cervix causing the abnormal smear.
If the colposcopist finds that there is an area that may be abnormal on your cervix a biopsy is taken. This is to have a closer look at the tissue and abnormal cells. Depending on these results another classification system is used to describe the level of abnormality. This is called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). If the low grade dyskaryosis is confirmed on biopsy it is called CIN 1. In this case, you are likely to be offered a ‘wait and see’ option to see if the level of abnormality resolves (reverts back to normal) itself over a period of time,so you would have a repeat smear in a year.
If the biopsy shows CIN 2-3 this equates to moderate to severe dyskaryosis. If you had CIN 2 and 3 you would be offered a treatment to sort out the abnormal area.
If the colposcopy is clear and no abnormal areas are seen on the cervix you will be discharged back to normal recall (smear in 3 years). In this case the low grade dyskaryosis probably returned to normal.
The majority of abnormal cell changes on the cervix detected by cervical screening are caused by HPV . This is a common infection and it is estimated that most people who are sexually active will get HPV at some stage in their lives. Most people will have no symptoms and their immune system will clear it up in a year or two without them ever knowing they had it. It is not possible to tell when a person got HPV or how long they have had it. Abnormal cells caused by HPV can go back to normal if a person’s immune system clears HPV. This is more likely when the changes are low grade.
Cervical screening is very successful so as long as you go along for your appointment and follow the advice given everything should be okay.
I hope this helps.You can always give us a call if you want to talk this through. Our number is 0808 800 4040 and we are hear from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.
Take care,
5 posts since
11 Sep 2018
1 posts since
29 Mar 2019
Hello I have received the same results today I was just wondering what your outcome was as I’m absolutely petrified at the moment x
Low grade Dyskaryosis with hpv
Research & References of Low grade Dyskaryosis with hpv|A&C Accounting And Tax Services