The Multivoting Technique Explained

The multivoting technique is the best decision making technique, in scenarios where a mutually agreeable choice needs to be made from a range of solutions, options or alternatives. The technique involves narrowing down the list of options until finally a single option remains.

The multivoting technique (which is also known as nominal group technique), begins with a brainstorming session, to generate a list of options, ideas, problems, issues or solutions. For motivating to be productive, it’s important that this list is exhaustive and covers most facets of the question in hand. Once the list is ready, the following procedure can be initiated to achieve a consensus of opinion.

Although the multivoting technique involves a lengthy procedure, it proves to be of great benefit in situations where there are too many options and the situation demands a consensus over the final decision.

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Image by – Sidharth Thakur

The Multivoting Technique Explained

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