“I Wasn’t Told” and Other Excuses You Need to Stop Making at Work

When it comes to completing assignments for work, many of us may be quicker to identify what’s standing in our way than to identify possible solutions.

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When I was a junior officer in the U.S. Navy, I had an Executive Officer (XO) who taped a list of “21 excuses to avoid while giving a status report” on his stateroom door. He pushed us to think very carefully about our problems and come to him with solutions instead of whining about what we couldn’t do.

It seemed to me that the excuse list was created based on years of the XO hearing excuses about status reports, why things weren’t going as planned, or if results didn’t meet the XO’s expectations. This list made me aware of things to avoid saying and to prepare more for meetings with my XO and my boss, to prioritize my assignments, and to communicate with my peers, especially when facing difficult tasks. His list was a valuable lesson I was able to pass on to the young sailors who later worked under me, as well as in all my jobs after the Navy.

Here’s an abbreviated version of his list of excuses to avoid using with your boss, and what you can do instead.

Excuse #1: “I didn’t know” or “I wasn’t told.” While this excuse can make you seem honest at first, if used repeatedly, you may be perceived as lazy or scared to do your research. Instead, say, “I don’t know, but I will find out.”

How to avoid making this excuse: Follow this statement by conducting research to determine the answer. If you can’t find a viable solution on your own, reach out to a more experienced teammate to learn about how they’ve tackled similar situations in the past or ask them tips on how to approach your boss. You can also brainstorm solutions with a trusted peer or colleague. Make sure you reach out to your boss with the solution as soon as possible.

Excuse #2: “I couldn’t hear it at quarters.” Quarters, or the daily huddle of divisions in the Navy, was a time for all members of the division to provide status updates and get necessary permissions and guidance. This is the equivalent of a daily standup or a regularly recurring team meeting.

How to avoid making this excuse: When convening for the daily huddle, make sure you are close enough to hear everyone. Focus on listening to not only what is being said, but how it’s said. Keep quiet while others are talking. Ask questions if you missed hearing something or if you didn’t understand what was meant by what you heard. Don’t leave meetings without ensuring you heard and understand what information was put out since even a fragment of the information could affect what is required of you and your projects. Doing this also shows your boss and your coworkers that you care about the work being done and will be conscientious with your responsibilities.

Excuse #3: “It’s always been done that way” or “We’ve always done it that way.” If you’ve been with an organization for a while, you may fall into the habit of doing something the way it’s been done in the past without taking the time to come up with a better, innovative solution. This excuse can signal to your boss that you are not ready to think independently.

How to avoid making this excuse: When given a task, find a method to accomplish the job more quickly or for less cost than what’s been done previously. Bring that option to your boss, highlight the pros and cons of the decision, and discuss what the implications will be. This tells your boss that you are a creative problem-solver and have considered how to find new ways of doing things within the existing guidelines of the company.

Excuse #4: “Supply (or another department) has it.” When you must get something from a department in your organization and aren’t able to get it when you need it, don’t use this excuse. This implies that someone in that department is withholding the item from you, there was a lack of communication, or that you didn’t plan enough in advance to get the item. It also makes you look like you are shifting the blame onto someone else.

How to avoid making this excuse: Even in my post-Navy career, I rely on others for resources. It’s my responsibility to communicate with them and let them know my timeline, but I need to be flexible with their requirements as well. When you report the status to your boss, even if you don’t have the work done, you’ll know the timeline and when to expect it done. This shows your boss that you are able to communicate your needs and resolve conflicts quickly instead of dwelling on what you can’t control.

Excuse #5: “I’m not getting support.” This excuse may make you seem like you’re not a team player and are throwing others under the bus. If you truly don’t feel that you are getting support from your team, talk to a more experienced colleague you can confide in or a close friend who does not work at your organization. They may be able to share with you a way to get the support you need without coming off as blaming someone.

How to avoid making this excuse: Let your boss know the things you have done and that you are still working on the task at hand. In case you feel overwhelmed with multiple tasks, be honest about it with your boss, and ask for help. Or else, reach out to your co-workers if you need it. Let your boss know you aren’t working this alone and request some additional time to complete the task at hand.

Excuse #6: “I didn’t know you wanted it done now.” One of the first questions that you should ask when you get an assignment is the timeline and urgency, especially if you work in a company or industry that has a deadline-oriented culture. This is important because completing your assignment may be what is required to start another part of a project. Time is also important because the resources to support the task may only be available for a limited time.

How to avoid making this excuse: If your boss doesn’t mention a due date or time, ask when the assignment is due. Don’t assume you can get it done when it best fits your schedule. If you can’t meet that deadline, talk to your boss if you can deprioritize something else from your workload to fit this in, or request the support of another team member to complete the task.

This list gave me a lot to think about as I matured and began mentoring people. When you do your due diligence with your daily tasks, leaving the excuses behind you, you will prove to your boss that you are worthy of their respect and appreciation. Take responsibility for your actions and inactions. Removing excuses will be beneficial to you and your organization when you use a solutions-based mindset. These actions will also show that you are mature enough to own your mistakes and can correct them so others, especially your boss, does not have to correct them for you.

“I Wasn’t Told” and Other Excuses You Need to Stop Making at Work

Research & References of “I Wasn’t Told” and Other Excuses You Need to Stop Making at Work|A&C Accounting And Tax Services

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