The Dangers of a Cashless Society

The Threat Of Cashless Societies

Cash is the king.

So the old adage goes anyway, and for the prepper – the one who’s keeping abreast of current events – cash is one of the last man-made means of protection that he or she has against governments that have grown to a degree of power that they never had before.

There are two predominant dangers that come with a cashless society, and just about every negative that you can think of due to such will fall into one of these two groups:

The Threat Of Cashless SocietiesA cashless society is a controlled society. If everything must go through an online banking or credit card process, then you have just lost virtually all control over what you buy.

Anything that is not politically sanctioned(guns, ammo, body armor, helmets, particular books, particular website premium subscriptions, political donations, etc.) could very easily be vaporized overnight.

This, of course, would drive the makers and holders of such products into a black market to barter their goods, and this in turn would be responded to by the use of overwhelming government force. This will come in the form of Stryker vehicles, concussion grenades, snipers, and men with automatic rifles and body armor.

Don’t believe me? Read FA Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom. Totalitarian governments must resort to force simply for the sole reason that people will naturally refuse to comply with widespread theft of their own goods. This force will only continue to grow in its usage.

Totalitarians do not accept blame for their own economical failures. The state is the end of all things to them, and as such, the end justifies the means – no matter how terrifying such a means may be.

Once cash is abolished everywhere, your attempts at any form of anonymity will be destroyed.

The Threat Of Cashless Societies

You already have an amazing amount of data that has been collected from you from your Internet search history, GPS data, voting history, bank statements, credit card statements, phone data, and a host of other publicly available information that easily allows people to deduce information from you.

Related: 10 Things You Should Do To Stop The Government From Tracking You

And where humans fail, algorithms thrive. I have a hobby interest in algorithm creation (particularly multiple linear regression analysis) and have used it within my healthcare job as a means of predicting patient attendance rather accurately on any given day. I’ve also used them to (somewhat less accurately) predict when a patient was going to have episodes of heart block.

Algorithms are a powerful tool, and the more data you feed them, the stronger they get. With the amount of data that has been collected on you already, the government may be able to make a much stronger prediction about who you are, what you believe, and what you possess than you would’ve ever thought possible.

Just think about what a cashless society would mean for the following purchases:

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To think that the same idea couldn’t be applied to the news commentators that you like to listen to is naive.

Here are some arguments that will be used for a cashless society:

The Threat Of Cashless Societies

Throughout 2020 we were told that there was a coin shortage throughout the U.S.

As a result, retailers either quit giving coin change back or strongly discouraged customers from asking for it.

Kroger actually resorted to either giving you back your money in the form of credit vouchers (to that particular store of course) or by donating the change that they owed you to charity.

In what can only be viewed as an incredibly ironic wordsmithing, we will be told that one of the benefits to a cashless society is that we can finally rein in purchases that are deemed by the government to be dangerous to the public.

Guns, ammunition, freedom-oriented books (“radical terrorist recruiting material”), and the like will be argued against so that we can keep our society safe. Notice that there is always an emphasis on safety throughout this entire process.

Pandemic paying

Once again, 2020 set the stage here. Cash purchases plummeted worldwide, with credit cards filling in the void as people began to avoid any and all cash purchases with the hopes of not getting themselves sick.

Related: 30 Supplies for Pandemic Survival

This was a talking point spouted throughout the mainstream media in 2020 and will continue to be used in the future as the push for the abolition of cash continues.

We see this already with the US penny. It actually costs 2.41₵ to produce a single penny.

While our government currently has no problem with making fiscally irresponsible decisions, when it finally does come around to deciding that “you know what, pennies aren’t worth it” – or any other form of cash for that matter – there will be nobody that will argue against them.

This decision will be portrayed as a means of reducing wasteful spending, and anyone who argues against this given reasoning for the abolition of cash will be labeled as an idiot who can’t do proper math.

We don’t often hear this argument being made currently, but it is out there.

Card fraud

The argument goes that if you’re mugged while you’re carrying $300 in cash, you simply lose all of your money.

However, if you’re mugged and all you have on you is your credit card, then you can quickly call the credit card company, cancel your card, and be reimbursed for any disputed charges that were made in the interim.

While I do believe that a cashless society is inevitable, I do think that there are things we can do to fight against it and to slow it down.

Here is what we can do as freedom and privacy-loving Americans.

I used to always blow off this idea. It wasn’t until I began talking with Forest of Prepper Net that I began to see the light on this issue. If you don’t have like-minded friends, you’re going to be up a creek without a paddle when a cashless society hits.

You need to know who has what skills, who has what goods, who can get what, and where their sympathies lie. Perhaps this is more of a cashless society survival skill, but nevertheless, refusal to comply is still a means of fighting against a cashless society.

Related: 18th Century Skills That Will Become Life-Saving When SHTF

And this isn’t just refusal to comply based on principal. This is refusal to comply because to do otherwise would mean certain death. When you’re not allowed into a store to buy food and other necessary goods for your family because you refuse to use Fedcoins for purchase or refuse to show a vaccination card you better be dang sure that you have some alternate means of getting what you need to live.

History has proven such. Read the diary of Anne Frank. Had Otto Frank (her father) not had connections with like-minded (this is key) people throughout his neighborhood well prior to his going into hiding with his family, they would’ve died well before the Nazis came and took them away.

Listen to what Good Patriot out of Texas has to say in her Fighting Back videos on Telegram. She’s echoing this same thought process. You need to make groupings of people who can work together to combat this evil.

Both Ayn Rand and Adam Smith harped on the fact that production is what equals true wealth. Whether it’s learning how to raise livestock, how to work with leather, how to tan hides, you need to learn some means of production so that you can still produce wealth when cash is taken from you.

You still have to eat. You still have to put bread on the table. And there are going to be others out there who have principles and love logic who will be of the same mind as you. They are going to want to trade for supplies. Barter will come back in full force. You’ll need to have some means of producing something of value so that you can get what you need.

Robert Kiyosaki harps upon this in his new book, Fake, the reason being, that precious metals have intrinsic value. They’ve been used as a form of money for roughly 6,000 years now, and they’re not going to stop being a store of value anytime soon. Within a barter society, this may be one of your best stores of wealth.

On top of this, over 40% of the US dollar supply has been printed within the past year alone. Every other economist you see is screaming about the signs of inflation. The U.S. dollar is about to collapse. There is no longer any denying it. Inflation has already risen drastically and will only continue to grow worse. You need to begin doing something to protect your wealth from inflation.

Precious metals are part of the solution.

If you don’t have one already, you need to set up a account. This is a form of masked debit card that will help to keep your purchases anonymous. Yes, this is a form of cashless payment, but it is still a way to fight against such a monster.

Provided that money is flowing out of your account but nobody can tell who you just bought from or what you bought, you’ll be much safer in your transaction privacy.

Related: If You Own A Mobile Phone This Is What The Government, Google &Facebook Know About You

If you tug on their purse strings, they eventually change their mind. I’m sorry, but when good compromises with evil, evil wins. Do what you can to avoid these businesses like the plague, and then let them know why you’re avoiding them.

I used to carry around business cards detailing why I wouldn’t support businesses with ‘’no gun’’ stickers on the front doors. I’ve since ran out. I think that such a business card for businesses that don’t permit cash transactions would be an easy way to voice one’s displeasure as well.

Here’s a sample card template:

I consider your refusal to accept cash as un-American, a forced invasion of my privacy, and a totalitarian tool. As such, I will cease from doing any business with you for the near future and will be spending my money at your competitors instead.”

This is similar to the language that I used within my Second Amendment business cards. I bought them easily off of Vistaprint (around 500 for $20 or so) and considered the money worth every penny.

There’s already a movement afoot within the U.S. to keep certain types of people out of grocery stores. Vaccination papers are beginning to be asked for before one gains access to certain venues or hotel chains. It won’t be long until cashless payments are the only means of accessing even groceries.

Because of this, I highly recommend that you learn how to grow most of your own food, and begin learning now. Gardening has quite a learning curve and is nowhere near as easy as Michael Bloomberg would have you believe. You need to ensure that your family can eat, and gardening is a great part of that process.

A cashless society truly is a scary world. Picture everything that you’ve read about in history books within other totalitarian regimes, and you’ll get a taste of what is to come. I implore you to do something now to protect yourself against the rolling stone that is coming down the mountain right for you.

If you follow the above advice, you’ll help to ease the blow. And there’s no doubt about it – it will be a smack in the face. But we can’t just sit back and do nothing as privacy dies a quiet death inside what was once the freest nation on Earth.

If you’ve found other ways to combat a cashless society that we did not cover within this article, by all means, please let us and others know within the comments. This is about helping our fellow man, and as much input is needed as possible.

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The Bible speaks of a time when gold and silver will be worthless and people will throw it into the streets. I started collecting gold and silver coins in the 1980’s along with gold and silver jewelry at the advice of other Christians. This has appreciated a lot and I still have it. Don’t throw out gold and silver if you are alive during the time the Bible speaks of. Collect all this ‘worthless” gold and silver and put it up. Those days will pass and gold and silver will eventually be established again as currency.

I agree with your opening statements that the Bible does say “they will throw their gold and silver in the streets.” BUT… thankfully when it becomes valuable again, the Great God, Emmanuel, and Emanuel’s Bride (the 144,000 spoken of in Revelation) will be in charge. The governments of man under Satan’s influence will have come to a permanent end. (incidentally, I think there is reference in Scripture that gold will be good paving material in God’s Holy City … just a thought)



There won’t be a next time. The currency that you speak of will not exist. This earth that is, will be no more.

And do you think that GOD or JESUS would even need gold or silver. That’s man’s way. What you should value on this earth is where is your soul going when you die. Ask JESUS to come and live in your heart and except him as your Lord and Savior.
All this junk crap that we cherish here will mean nothing. But your soul means everything. If you love gold and silver you only love your self. I have some only for survival reasons. Only…
Piss on the people that want all this type of life styel. You will parish in you lust for this life that you live.
As the vaccine, RFID chip, cashless currency. What is this, CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL… So if you want all this, then you want what comes with it.
Don’t be a weak person. satan love the weak. But he hates the faithful…

tommy, treasure not gold or silver but build your treasures in heaven. Same to all…
Good Luck in the new Babylon.

Tommy: Exactly. Silver is supposed to be tops in health-metals. We collect silver plated brass, which is considered junk now, but brass has copper and zinc, both as good as silver for killing any sort of infection. In any place without good water quality, 3rd world nations, brass cups are used to drink water and raw milk. Herbalists believe we get enough of both to kill off parasites. Just using a copper penny will help, but never overdo that. niio

I wonder how some stores can legally refuse cash when all U.S. paper dollars state “THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE”

Banks have been given too many liberties to place their own rules and restrictions on what they will accept as daily deposits. Have you tried to deposit rolls of coins lately?

City Chick
The Banks are in bed with the Fed. Go figure maybe they will let me investigate whatever crime I commit. Kind of like the Secret Service/ATF trying to cover for Hunter Biden.
The banks know they can do as they please the Fed just prints them more money. It is a scam for sure.

According to the law if they refuse payment using any legal us tender, you keep the merchandise legally. Another words you go in to a restaurant and have a meal, it cost 20$ and you only have pennies and that is 20,000 pennies they have to accept that as payment. Refusal means you got a free meal.

Read what is says; ‘This note is legal tender for DEBTS”.

Buying something at a store does NOT create a debt….it is an offer to buy, upon which the seller may set the terms of the sale. They can quite legally say “we only accept small bills….or we only accept plucked chickens…..” or whatever else. The buyer is free to accept the seller’s terms OR walk away.

Now, if you have an account at the store, buy something on credit, they must later accept legal tender as payment for a DEBT that was created by the extension of credit.

Understand the difference ?

This brings another question to mind. Why do we have to pay taxes on “this note is not legal tender for all debts, public and private”? AND since it is not legal tender, why does the banks and government want to steal it from us? HUMM???? is a wonderful idea. Can people outside of the USA get involved with it?

I have been purchasing prepaid credit cards and walmart gift cards of different denominations so that I can pay the local farmers etc. with a value they can use and NOT be accused of having a business the Gov’t. isn’t getting their grimey hands into. I also have sugar, coffee and toilet paper, etc. to trade for local eggs, cut-up meats and veggies.
June 16th is just around the corner folks.

Thank you! When SHTF, Gold and Silver will not be the most valuable of commodities to have. Or any other Precious Metals. The most value items to do business with, hands down, will be large capacity Lithium Batteries. Large capacity Rechargeable Lithium Batteries, can last up to 15 to 20 years if property taken care of. Why, as a custom Lithium Battery builder, it is a fact that in times of emergencies, you are going to need items and supplies that can help you get through that period. For example, can you take a bar of Gold and cook a meal with it, if you don’t have any electric. Short answer NO. How about taking a bar of Gold to power your washing machine. Short answer NO. And last, how about using a bar of Gold to power your refrigerator. Lithium batteries will be worth 10 times their weight in gold once things really start to get ugly. Be wise, be warned.

everything you just said makes sense. how did anyone cook and keep their food before electricity? how did people survive as long as they did? before electricity nobody washed their cloths, cause they didnt know how.

that only works if 1.) you have large capacity Lithium batteries, 2.) have the agility to recharge them, and 3.) and also have the inverters/converters they require to power the majority of household appliances.

Thanks for this article. MOST helpful indeed. Time is short


Many things will be able to be used as cash substitutes.
Not only silver and gold but food, clothing, ammo, tools, seeds, alcohol etc. The list is truly too long to write.
The catch will be in stuff like paying property taxes, vehicle licenses, buying a car or property or a house. No way around it you will need to be part of the “system” whatever it is.
I would like to think that we (wife and I) could avoid being part of it but no, just no way. Doctors visits, medication, gasoline, propane just no way to be 100% off of the “grid” so to speak.
The other thing to look at will be the fact that there will be penalties for those who either practice or attempt to practice avoidance of the “system”. The govt will have to crack down hard so it doesn’t get out of hand. Remember they tend to go after the little guy who cannot lawyer up or make “campaign contributions” to buy their way out.
Hopefully even staunch Democrats will ask what the end game is with all of this. All Government employee pensions, both state and federal will be paid through the system. All Social Security payments will be paid the same way. All private (401K, 404C’s etc) will have to do the same thing.
Unless you are the people who keep all of their earnings in a mattress and dont collect Social security or Medicare, I do not see how to avoid contact with the “system”. Personally I believe the only way to fight it is to never let it happen. Unfortunately we can all see from how the Chinese Bat Meat Flu went down and all of the lies told to us by the Dr. Fauci’s of the world and the blatant brainwashing by the MSM, who is now trying to recant and cover the lies, people tend to just go along and believe. If you do not you are ostracized and called whatever the name of the moment is.
Imagine this whole “plandemic” coming from a lab in China that senior people in our Govt. have contact and contracts with and the media asks no hard questions at all and people are happy with that.
The point of the above digression is just how easy it is to brainwash those who are already desperate to believe what they are told by the propaganda machine of the DNC, the MSM. How can we fight that? Think about it please all.
Don’t be so willing to give up your freedoms! They were hard won and will not come back easily.
This weekend is supposed to be all about those who have fought and died for those very freedoms some would have us so cavalierly throw away.

I agree with you and I’m sad every day that what peaceful way of life we had will soon be taken away from us no matter how well we plan.
What bothers me the most is the murder of babies in the womb and that Biden is going to take my tax money to pay for it. If someone wants to murder their baby, then I should not have to pay for it.

Cosco: The IRS has tried to decades to stamp out trading and swap meets. Most people refuse to report ‘earnings’ from trades. A lot of places are now offering small discounts for cash rather than card. The IRS has fallen a long way from confiscating little kids’ piggy banks. they’re owned by the dnc and used as a weapon, but people fight. niio

If the grid goes down, there will be no SS checks or any electronic purchases. The SYSTEM will be down for a long time. Amazon will be sitting with giant warehouses full of stuff. If you live near one you might be able get things to help you through for a while. Silver coins might be used for a while but bartering and skills will be the way to help survive. Think like 1800 lifestyle. How long will you last? 90% of us will not make it for long. How are you preparing? Start now.

Well said, Consco. I tend to disagree about people providing services not willing to trade. I think the time will come when doctors are willing to trade their services for items, especially when the goobemint cuts their fees more and more to shore up their “free medical care for all” program. It has to be paid for somewhere and the easiest place for the goobermint to shave costs is in what it pays to doctors and hospitals. Look to see medical care go in the toilet. Just look to Jolly Olde England to see what state paid medical care will look like. If I were in England, I would be dead now. Please hold down the cheers from the peanut gallery. For all the medical procedures I have had in the past ten years I would be on waiting lists where ordinary people never reach the top of the list. Too many “special” people go to the head of the line ahead of the hoi polloi. Like the gubinadors who manage to go on special vacations while commanding that their constituents remain isolated in their homes; dining at exclusive, high-cost restaurants with 50 of their closest “friends” probably at campaign contribution expense; appearing in public without the masks that so have vigorously been advocated — the list goes on. You can see what is going to happen. We have seen just a small part of what the world will be like with the creeping socialism that is engulfing us. BUT it is what the “people” voted for. Our founding fathers didn’t believe in universal suffrage with good reason. You see what it accomplishes.

If my grandson listened to my advice, I would advise him to go into one of the trades instead of trying to pursue a career in “sociology”.

A career in the trades has been fantastic! 35 years as an electrician, doing almost all commercial/industrial work.
I advise kids all the time to go into the trades.
The problem we face is the school system where “guidance counselors” have as form for any college or university but know dimly about getting them in the plumbers or steamfitters trades, or any trades for that matter. Every little kid wants to be a teacher as that is all they have been exposed to. Same with “guidance counselors”. We all need to do a better job in educating our kids. So many have just hoped the “system” will teach them.
Having the ability tp operate the equipment to excavate the hole for my basement/foundation and then to run the underground plumbing and electrical pipes/conduits and then to pour the concrete and frame it all up, do all of the interior plumbing/electrical and most of the finishes (forget about sheet rock, ain’t happening) has been priceless.
Welding skills are not the best yet for sure and I just bought a small Mill/Drill so I am going to learn how to use that. I have a Saw Mill so milling my own lumber and cutting firewood is pretty easy.
The point is that building my first car with my older brother and then getting in to the electrical apprenticeship has been HUGELY valuable. In the event of a real SHTF scenario there is a lot I can do. Never been happier with my career choice! My younger brother does not know a Phillips from a screwdriver but can make a mean spread sheet! He can type 135 WPM as his penmanship is so poor and use a 10 key by touch. For a guy who is a financial planner for companies those skills come in handy, in a SHTF scenario not sure what he will do. He does have a HAM license though!!!
I know everyone cannot use tools, but we need to guide more of our kids into the skilled trades for sure. Nothing like being able to build things.
Now if ClergyLady would write a book with all of her gardening knowledge and making something out of nothing, and LCC would write a book with general knowledge life would be even sweeter!!!
I for one am happy to not have “universal healthcare” as I have worked in 23 countries and have seen it. It has really sucked! In Northern WA state we have MANY Canadian plates in the doctors offices and small hospital parking lots. Hmmmm. Wonder why.
Could our system be improved? It could. They should take some of the profit out of it for sure. But should we throw the baby out with the bath water? No.
Keep spreading your wisdom LCC, I hope you stay around to see 100!!!

Learning a trade isn’t incompatible with a degree in sociology, which BTW I agree with you isn’t the best way to spend four years of his young life. You could advise him to spend his summers learning something practical, and perhaps being paid to do it. I learned mechanical and electrical assembly skills during two summer jobs that I held, at 19 and 20. Those aren’t high-end trade skills, but they’re good to know something about anyway.

I’ve told my kids that one of the more valuable degrees to hold is a CDL–“Commercial Driver’s License”. Getting that degree doesn’t mean you have to drive an 18-wheeler for a living, but wouldn’t it be nice for them to know that they could? They didn’t go there, but they don’t disagree, either, so maybe their kids will do it, who knows?

I worked for an electric utility company for 33+ years…we were not a union company so we did everything…overhead and underground installation, repair and removal, substation work…transmission and distribution line maintenance…on voltages from 4kv to 138kv lines.
My first line foreman told me when I first went to work I had to be a lot of different things…he said we had to be a farmer…when we framed a pole we attached ground wires to poles with fencing staples, we learned to use all kinds of hand and power tools…we had to be a carpenter…we learned to read prints and use hand tools and read a tape measure (you’d be surprised at the people who can’t read a tape measure) we had to be a plumber…we installed a lot of underground conduit/pipe…we had to be a heavy equipment operator…we operated boom trucks & basket trucks and operated augers on our line trucks…we had to be a truck driver…we all had CDLs, we all drove big trucks…but the thing that he wanted most of all was for our work to look good and be “pretty” so he said we had to be an artist. I say all of this not to brag but to say I’m thankful for the job or trade I had and learned. It’s benefited me in life more than a college degree would have I truly believe. I’m not bashing college. College just wasn’t something I desired. I believe a college degree tells an employer that a person has the desire and dedication to complete a task.
With the right motivation people can learn to do most anything. If/when the SHTF I truly hope people can adapt and learn what they need to survive because the government, politicians and wealthy elites ain’t gonna be there for anyone. Like you said trading for services or bartering will be one of the ways to survive in a cashless society.

I hate this fear mongering I’ve been reading about a cashless society for over a year, especially when covid first started. I have NEVER had a store turn away my cash. When there was supposed to be a shortage on change, I save $1 worth of change in my wallet, so I could give exact money. I rarely use a credit card, and because I’m PREPARED I pay my debts every month.

It has been talked about longer than a year. Unfortunately very few people do like we do and pay for things as they go.
Easy credit is what causes financial failures. That is why so many look to the Govt. to bail them out. Just print more money seems to be the answer to all of congress and the White House’s problems. Unfortunately it will collapse the system it has to.
Wonder why they give out a $1400 stimulus check to a lot of people (not everyone) when the simple math says they have printed enough money for every man, woman and child to $5800? Ever ask yourself if they can print all they want why they just dont let us off the hook for our Federal Income tax for a year? It is because they want to direct all of that to certain people/business that are their cronies.
Electronic money will come unless we stop it. I have had a store turn away my money, the wife and I both did.
They believed the lies they were fed about the Chinese Bat Meat flu. There is your fear mongering.
Good luck!!!

Right now it’s on-line purchases. They demand a card or another method of on-line payment. Almost every time I asked about sending a check or MO, it was refused. My bills come directly out of the checking account. niio

Great article Claude
The way we do our day to day business will change soon I believe.
I hope the masses of sheep open their eyes and turn off their TV’s and get prepared!!!

Upgrade skills in trade. If you were like most, when in grade school you learned how to make trades, swaps, argue how wonderful you lunch is compared to someone else’s.
Learn herbals and raise your own. If you can’t raise them, learn who deals in raw plant material. Find out what company will give deals in plant materials. I like Ameriherb, IA, but to get free shipping, the order has to be over 200 bucks. What I do not like is the labels fade. We pack it all in bail jars with a tight seal and label then store in a cool, dark place. Get a book on food is medicine. This teaches why we use spices and what they’re good for.
I like tobacco and can raise my own. We plant at the beginning of the monsoons, and go from there. Wivian is vastly important because this is the medicinal tobacco. All most all tobaccos are good, but wivian is number one (tree tobacco can be used as a poultice).
If you have anything on survival that is good put it on a computer with a printer and store it in a faraday cage. such books even in a loose leaf binder will be great for trading. niio

Lead, if you can muster up some lead than do it. Intrinsic value is very low but bartering power is priceless. Any forms of it. Wheel weights, spent Bullets at a gun range, old fishing lures, ballast from an old sail boat…. Many people will want it.

AKA redneck gold. I think that the price will soar. One great thing is, it stores for an eternity. niio

Red, yes it does

I wonder about those of us that don’t HAVE or can GET a credit card.
My credit score is zero because I haven’t used credit in a very long time.
As a result, no CC for me.

Same here crazysquirrel. No cc.

Cash is legally accepted tender. When you go into a store & offer cash as payment, & it is refused, you are legally w/in your rights to leave the store w/ the intended purchase. Just be sure to have a letter so stating from your lawyer & call for a Police officer & the store manager. A lot of trouble perhaps for one purchase but another win for cash. Who’ll give me odds that the next time will be much easier?

So, Bruce, of what state bar associations are you a member? For which law reviews have you written articles? Are you sworn in to appear in federal court in your district? Are you eligible to argue cases before the federal supremes? What? None of those? The only bar where you might be consider a member is Bill’s Taproom? Sorry to be sarcastic — no, I’m not. I lied. People feel free to give legal advice when their only experience with the legal system has been traffic court where they pled guilty to going too fast because the judge told them if they pled guilty they wouldn’t have to serve weekends.

Yeah, I know the currency says that bit about legal tender for all debts public etc. etc. etc. Tell that to the cop when he busts you for shoplifting. Tell that to the judge when he asks you how you plead. Try not to faint away when the shyster at Dewey, Cheatham and Howe tells you how much it will cost to defend you in a felony shoplifting charge.

Please, folks, unless you are admitted to the federal bar in the federal district where you live; unless you are admitted to argue cases before the federal supremes, do not give advice on federal law. Unless you practice criminal law in the state where you live, do not give advice on criminal law in general. You would be amazed at the differences in state laws from state to state. An attorney admitted to practice in California and not Arizona is no more qualified to give advice about Arizona law than I am which is not at all. Even if I tell you what I have observed in court, it might not be valid. I once watched a municipal court judge order a bench warrant issued for a defendant who didn’t show up for a small claims trial — that is until the clerk whispered to him and he straightened up and blathered for a while and then told the clerk to recall the bench warrant. Okay, Roy Bean. Good thing the clerk had the guts to speak up. You almost cost the county a bunch of money. Oh, but that’s okay, the tax payers will pick up the bill for your dumbness. I don’t think the judge was drunk that morning, I think it was just plain stupidness. Too bad. Drunkenness is mostly temporary. Stupidness is permanent.

Cosco – What I really do not like is when they get political with their loan policies, attempt to target specific groups or industries just because they want to foster their beliefs on the public and they can get away with it. Something needs to be done to permanently put a stop to it when their target is not doing anything illegal and is a legitimate business.

CC: I just read an article that said that smaller banks are eagerly scooping up those companies who have been turned away by major banks. As a bank manager at First Fargo State Bank, how would you like to gain Hornady Ammunition Manufacturing, Inc. as a customer? Between payroll and government contract checks rolling in it would be a major coupe for any bank manager to to be able to say to the bank’s Operations Manager as a closing tidbit, “Oh, by the way, I think I should mention that Hornady has moved all their accounts over to my branch as of ten days ago. the cash flow is over a quarter of a million per day”?

Totally agree with you. Why are they allowed to adopt discriminatory practices and get away with it? I really like LCC response and example.
If you or I tried to discriminate the same way we would be in deep doo doo for sure!!

Same here crazysquirrel. No cc.

I’m working to take care of myself. New solar, bigger garden, new fruits, more jars and lids, plus all the food we’ve been able to get ahead. Not perfect but sure better than in the past.

Start a Blog or a YouTube page if you have the time!!
Been reading you on here for several years! You have a lot of valuable knowledge!!! Make a little extra money on the side as well.
If you have the time.
Thanks and please keep posting!

Heck, I use a CC in my business for business. You just have to make sure that you pay it off every month. So I get the cashback and spend it on something that I want but do not really need.

There is already a split economy, for years I’ve only used cash at swap meets and flea markets and such, and to pay contractors who, like me, have the good sense to avoid as much tax as they can. Everything else goes through my debit card backed up by theft protection and I.D. protection. I don’t care if Uncle Sam and Uncle Bezos are tracking my cat food purchases, like most people I’m happy to trade some privacy for convenience. So far as the Government knows I’ve never purchased or owned a firearm or ammo in my life. Guess they have me on file for downloading a little porn when we were young enough to care.
The economy is not going to collapse, but live like it could happen at any time. Pay off all debt and incur no more. Someone said learn a trade, heck yeah, you can make a good living and open up your own little operation after you’re good at what you do, that is true freedom.
The main fear I have for the economy is that we continue the idiocy of putting outrageous sanctions and tariffs on countries all over the world, trying to force them to bend the knee. The dollar dominates the world at this point in time because all international transactions go through the SWIFT international payments system, which we control, forcing all international business to use the dollar. At this point our sanctions and tariffs are forcing China, Russia, and Iran (natural enemies each to the other) to try and establish an alternative payment system using Chinese currency. If this happens we could see a rush away from the dollar and the house of cards we’ve been building since abandoning the fine economic work of Clinton/Gingrich will collapse.

Considering the future in the knowledge and experience and LAWS of the past, to me, Is unwise. Ted Cruz freaking out about the “Corrupt Politician Act,” which will legalize election cheating. The fix was in while illegal. Changing the law will just make unfair elections standardized, but they will continue one way or the other. The bell cannot be unrung. The “Democratic Communist Party” is proceeding to dismantle the number one country, USA, because the rest fall when we do. Big game of dominoes. Talking about what’s legal concerning cash payments doesnt make sense. What’s legal or American tradition not only no longer matters, it’s the heart for which yhe Democratic Communist Party aims. When all customary systems and laws are removed, and the US fails, then the global rebuilding will begin.
I have chickens for eggs. I just learned to produce garden food plants from seeds. I’m gifted training dogs and other animals. So what? The Global Powers say cows will be highly guarded and restricted. Stop eating animals that are born to eat, because they fart. My dogs fart! Cats fart! And they aren’t even consumed. They will not be allowed.
We have the technology for a satellite to read the front page of a newspaper. If the Communist World rulers want to know who has a chicken or a pepper plant in their back yard, they will know. China leads the attack. We let the Democratic Communist Party get away with criminal and treasonous behaviors, and they march forward. If violence errupts involving Conservatives, the military will not be supporting the Conservative folks. Any noticable reversal of the Forward Global March, uncontrolled by our military, will put Communist troops from UN, Iran, China, Russia, on American soil very quickly. Conservatives may be armed, but that will be like pissing in the wind compared to a military power.
Of course it’s better to be prepared than not. But no one will be hidden for long. My best bet, and my promise, only lays with God. I stand on His promises. When He decides we are done on this planet, I feel blessed and grateful to know what comes.
I’m getting ready, but being ready will not prevent the horror, suffering, and loss. Its the age old battle of good vs evil, and evil has made his move.

Syria’s Assad just won a 4th term with 95% of the vote. I wonder if they too use the Dominion system. Maybe the Hamas Caucus would know.

All comments are possible, some good some not so good. This was predicted a few thousand years ago. On you tube there is a presentation by Elon Musk Neuralink chip that they are working on to implant into the human brain. They say they should have this developed by 2025.
They can send a car anywhere without a driver now. A cashless society falls right in with these men. If the chip can cure what is wrong with a body, then they can do anything with the person that has the chip in his brain. If you have ever read the bible, which is the greatest history book ever published. These last days are coming at a break neck speed. I recommend that all of you study under a theologian. Robert Morris is a good one. Not all preachers know what they are talking about. I say this because Jesus Christ is the only way out of this. Anything you own, can do, or believe will do you any good when it comes time for you to die. Consider

Get to the root cause(s) of how this is progressing. Most people 40 or younger shun cash for the ease of just swiping a card, and many would opt for the chip in the hand to eliminate the need to carry a card. Drill down deeper and you see habits, and deeper you see education(or the lack of). Many people, even older ones, don’t have any concept of true value, it’s just numbers on a bank statement (which the banks are now charging a fee for a printed version). Ever notice anything printed is being taken away (newspapers, reports, magazine, and now paper money. Why is that ? Because printed paper is proof, and doesn’t go away with a delete button.

In the end, we all won’t survive. Skills and preps will carry you far, but the loss of “modern convenience” will still reduce the planet’s population. Much like the overwhelming death rate in India and the problem of disposing of the bodies will come to the rest of the world. Judge Holden-the economy is going to collapse and guys like Conso, who know how to operate a back hoe will always eat ’cause he will be able to bury allthe bodies so the rest of us don’t die from the plague-read Wuhan flu!

You need something like a JD470 to bury mass casualties, be hard to plant more than 50 a day with a backhoe.

It’s unlikely I’ll survive what’s coming. I’m old and not in good health.

But, what I do I share with friends and family. I ‘collect’ old hand tools, saws, meat grinders, other things from before computerization. Books from the old days on how-to. harnesses and how to make them, to forge iron to make tools. Wind simple motors. Reliable herbals. Solar arrays. Foxfire books should be in every bugout location. Thrift Books and other can get used copies in good shape. Each of the kids has a set, and now are buying them for their own kids.

If Washington’s black clouds prophecy is right, then the coasts are toast, wiped out. the dems have been setting it up for years. Empower the enemy and spit on allies. Since the fall of the USSR, dems ignored the trade in nuclear, even defending rogue nations like Iran and china. From what I can see, we’ve been in WWIII since WWII ended. It escalates and dies back. Each probe is worse and having a lib in power makes it much worse. And now the dnc has a new excuse for marital law, UFOs. niio

Rick fortune, looks like I will always have a job then

There’s an old expression that “ a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”. Being well stocked with tools, skills, materials and knowledge is all that money won’t be able to buy no matter how much you have to spend or what form it may happen be in.

Could not have said it better.!!!!!!!!!

Ecclesiastical 1:9-10

9What has been, it is what will be,

And what has been done, it is what will be done.

So there is nothing new under the sun.

10Is there anything of which one might say,

“See this, it is new”?

It has already existed for ages…

What we’re seeing/going to see is nothing new…our grandparents, great grandparents, great great grandparents saw things…experienced things we have never experienced but they survived…they were tough, tenacious people who adapted and survived.
Our ancestors lived and survived an almost cashless society. My family was share croppers. My grandmother told stories about hoeing, picking and chopping cotton for $.25 a day.
We may not know what we’re doing…we may not like what we have to do…but we can learn and do what we need to survive in a cashless world.

Spell check got me again…lol
Ecclesiastes 1:9,10

That’s bull shit about the government shutting down ham radio

Agree but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t.

Jemes: I agree, but it’s happened to a lot of nations when the pervs took over. niio

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