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59 posts since

24 Oct 2020

1086 posts since

1 May 2018

Hello and thanks for posting on the forum,

I am so sorry to hear about the painful cramps that you are having. I can imagine this must be very uncomfortable.

It is difficult to compare your cramps with other members of the forum as  your symptoms are specific to you. If they don’t get better do go back and talk it through with your GP or another GP in the practice who may see you with a fresh pair of eyes.

I know that you say that there is no pattern as to when they happen but it maybe helpful to record when they are happening and how often. Is it after a meal or in the middle of the night for example.

The NHS have produced some useful information about what to ask your doctor which you can see here

I do hope that you find out more about your situation soon.

All the Best,


11 posts since

2 Aug 2020



Am diabetic and i have loads of stomach issues  my diabetic nurse call it diabetic belly . I have cramps and up set belly nearly everyday .. Ano that the medication metformin that they yous for type 2 course stomach issues but diabetes it self course stomach problems .

59 posts since

24 Oct 2020

I’ve never heard that one before.  I some time wonder if some of these diabetic nurses actually know what it is to be diabetic be it type 1 or two..

I have been diabetic for 16 years now. But have never been reasured that the treatment I have been on is correct. I was admitted to Hospital with a high temp and stomach pains like no other. course of anti biotics.

I was due to have a colonoscopy in a fortnight, but they decided to bring it forward. which I was happy about. apart from when they started to alter my insulin dosages. Even though my sugar readings were  4.1 and even 3.2 at certain times. in that week I was in hospital I had four hypo’s and the Friday before being admitted I had also had a hypo.In less than a week I had five hypo’s. more in that one week than in the last 16 years.

This brings me on to my main question. does having hypo’s cause any brain damage Especailly as I have had five in the last  6 days.

Few years ago after I had a massive hypo, which required me to have assistance to be removed from my car by the ambulance medics. I underwent an EEG test it found that I had mild memory disorder.. I’m to affraid to ask for another for another EEG . As my memory has gone down hill. Any advice from one ot hte nurses. would be helpful. I do feel I’m responsable enough to take responsability, so took the deciccion to get rid of my car. now no longer a motorist.

5274 posts since

11 May 2016

Hi Blobs, 

As it’s the bank holiday weekend I just wanted to let you know that our cancer nurses will get back to you from Tuesday onwards.

Kind regards,

Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

59 posts since

24 Oct 2020

Thanks Steph, yes I know you never answer back till after weekends. I will correct myself having looked at my medical letters. the massive hypo when I need ambulance assitance was back in 2014. and not a few years ago. my lowest recorded  bm reading was a 2.3..

I have looked into some questions for do hypo’s cause any kind of brain damaged, and surprisingly it’s a question that has come up on other sites. some have dismissed it some have had memory lapses and confussion. I have found myself feeling something coming on. then when I manage to get all my faclties back. I have found myself in another part of a store not knowing where or how I got there. my mind is just a blank. Not sure how long ago I had my EEG which was a series of tests, one of wich was measuring the brain paterns. which can detect any abnormalities. which turned out to be a mild form of brain deteriation but was only classed as minor. But as I put in my previous post I have had five hypo’s in the last 6 days. neither were pretty to see or be that person having them.

What’s more worrying for me is will the liver transplant assessment go against me once they get to see what problems I have just had. I’m now 60 years old and consider myself to have had a good innings. people say 60 is still a young age. But since I was diagnosed with liver cancer  early march 2020, then  also  loosing my wife to aggressive cancer last year in July.  I can’t help thinking I’m playing poker with god and holding a pair of duces against gods royale flush.  It’s got to the point were I just don’t seem to have any more fight left in me.

344 posts since

23 Aug 2012

Hello and thanks for posting,

Unfortunately, although we have a adequate working knowledge of diabetes, as primarily cancer information nurses, it is not our main area of nursing expertise.

So, I don’t think we can answer your question fully to be honest. Other organisations such as Diabetes UK, are more appropriate and better placed to address your question concerning hypos and the effect on memory.

Their website details are here,


Hope that this is helpful,

Wishing you the best,


59 posts since

24 Oct 2020

Thanks Wanda. I kind of knew what reply I would get, I have tried diabetes.org.

But unfortunately All they were telling me is what’s already in the litrature leaflets, and telling me to see my own diabetic team at my local surgery. But I have no cnfidence in the diabetic staff. these are the same staff who had me on 242 units of insulin in the morning and 220 units in the evening. over and over again I expressed my concerns on the amount of insulin I was taking.. as staff from other hospitals would ask what medications I was taking, when I brought up the amounts of insulin units, they were shocked.

As I was in hospital for 6 days. they reduced my insulin to 130 units in the morning. if I had low reading on my blood sugars, It was with held the evening dosages was reduced to 100 units. depending on my readings it was reduced if low sugars. yet I still had four hypos in the six days I was admitted.  Anyone can read off a leaflet, But unless the person giving the advice is diabetic themselfs, they’ll truely never understand.

There was a nurse who said the lower your blood sugars the less insulin you need to take. so I’ll be using that as a guide and ignore any advice from diabetes nurses. let alone attend appointments.

Thanks for your reply Wanda.


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