Unlike other tracking codes, we need to put Yahoo Analytics Conversion code between <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags.
Yahoo’s Instructions for the following code are:
To add the Yahoo conversion tracking code in the Head tags, we need to look at the checkout layout configuration file:
Find out which page layout it uses when an order is completed.
i.e.) For one page checkout, look for this code:
You can edit the Head section of ‘2columns-right.phtml’ to add the Yahoo tracking code. But if this template, 2columns-right.phtml is being used for other pages, I would make a copy of it and name it ‘2columns-right-success.phtml’ and add the tracking code there. This way, it will track it only when there is a successful conversion.
By Charlie Cheng, March 12, 2010 @ 7:13 am
Thx for pointing right direction. But I would recommend the following code as referenced by yahoo help.
$y_order_details = Mage::getModel(’sales/order’)->loadByIncrementId($y_orderid);
$y_saleamt = $y_order_details->subtotal;
<!– Yahoo! Search Marketing Australia & NZ
window.ysm_customData = new Object();
window.ysm_customData.conversion = “transId=,currency=AUD,amount=”;
var ysm_accountid = “//////YOUR TRACKING ACOUNT ID////////”;
// –>
By Charlie Cheng, March 12, 2010 @ 7:14 am
Missing partial of code before, the first line should be:
$y_orderid = Mage::getSingleton(’checkout/session’)->getLastRealOrderId();