Wuhan Flu shots shouldn’t even have EUA in the first place, but Biden’s Justice Department couldn’t care less

Fake “president” Joe Biden has decided that it is perfectly legal for the government and private businesses to force employees against their will to get injected with experimental gene modification chemicals for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Biden’s Justice Department concluded in a new opinion that there is no federal law barring either the public or private sector from requiring people to get jabbed with the drugs, which currently hold “emergency use authorization” (EUA) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The decision came about after the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the state of California, and New York City all decided to require that some of their workers either get “vaccinated” for Chinese Germs or agree to weekly testing for the rest of their lives.

Veterans Affairs, ironically enough, was the first federal agency to mandate the lethal injections, negating the brave efforts of actual veterans who fought overseas in years past – and some of them paid the ultimate price with their lives – to stop this type of medical fascism from ever encroaching on our borders.

The Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a letter stating that because access to Fauci Flu shots is now widespread, “numerous educational institutions, employers, and other entities across the United States” have chosen to mandate Chinese Virus shots as a condition of staying employed.

“For instance,” the letter reads, “certain schools will require vaccination in order for students to attend class in person, and certain employers will require vaccination as a condition of employment.”

It is important to note that since other remedies for the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Virus already exist, there was never any legal precedent in the first place for the FDA to grant EUA to Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) for their respective injections.

If the Justice Department was really devoted to pursuing justice, it would be shouting this fact from the rooftops and calling on the FDA to immediately revoke all EUAs for the Fauci Flu shot. Instead, the agency under China Joe says there is nothing to “prohibit public or private entities from imposing vaccine requirements, even when the only vaccines available are those authorized under EUAs.”

By giving this green light, the expectation is that other federal agencies will soon follow suit, along with at least some segments of the private sector. Institutions of “higher learning” all seem to be falling right in line as well, requiring their students to undergo experimental gene therapy in order to get an education this fall.

“Public sector entities need to move as quickly as possible,” shouted New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who eagerly announced his own citywide mandate that all public sector workers will need to either get jabbed or submit to weekly testing with fraudulent PCR tests.

“This DOJ decision is important,” de Blasio added. “I think that will be helpful. We have got to put pressure on this situation.”

Up until this point, the federal government has limited its involvement with the plandemic to targeting travel and public transportation, both of which are still restricted to masked people only. De Blasio would seem to want that involvement to now extend to compulsory Fauci Flu injections.

“We need to rise up and say enough is enough,” wrote one frustrated commenter at The Epoch Times.

“What is it going to take to get Americans riled up enough to demand this communistic taking away of freedoms day-by-day to stop? It is shocking what we are tolerating.”

The latest news about Beijing Biden’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny can be found at ChemicalViolence.com.

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Can’t they kill us all any quicker? They just HAVE to ramp this up so everyone in the USA is dead….. They are really getting antsy now that the truth about their supposed vaxs are NOT safe, etc and NOT harmful to humans. And kill every living thing IN the USA is dead as well. Killing all the songbirds, etc. the Zoo animals, cats and dogs….

where is the uprising? the usa is a country of wussies that go to the slaughter to avoid death.

…i got my 2x Moderna, I am a vet, am still here. I think there should have been a COVID vaccine sensitivity test to find out if someone was going to have an adverse reaction to the shot. I have read a little bit talking about comorbidities and I hope in the future if there is a govt.-driven inoculation effort that they do better screening or figure out how to dilute the thing. People who are sensitive to bee stings like with anaphylaxi, a bee sting can kill them, they figured out that micro doses of bee venom can help them to build up a healthy resistance so if they do get a bee sting they won’t get so sick from it. They should do the same with these vaccines, cut the dosage waaaaayyyyyyy down if there’s any reason to believe that the full shot might be harmful or fatal because some people’s systems are more fragile and sensitive than others due to their physiology or overall state of health.

AND: The journalism community needs to school up on all this mess before they start publishing out information to the public, because the waters are muddy enough as it is without ‘resources’ like CNN et, al. churning it up even more.

CDC/NIH/WHO/etc.: Our newfound international medical junta is sketchy like Etch-A-Sketch and could stand a general physical of the Old School with the rubber glove, to find out what exactly they have stuck up their butts that they are now are trying to assert all this medical authority. Start with the money, because that”ss very much a part of this, mask sales made for interesting reading.

These companies that make the shots are publicly traded. And that’s all I’m going to say about that.

Congress makes law not the DOJ?

Wuhan Flu shots shouldn’t even have EUA in the first place, but Biden’s Justice Department couldn’t care less

Research & References of Wuhan Flu shots shouldn’t even have EUA in the first place, but Biden’s Justice Department couldn’t care less|A&C Accounting And Tax Services