suspected breast cancer and worried anxious waiting

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1 posts since

29 May 2021


feel like I’m going crazy, found a lump in my right breast   On Thursday, managed to get GP appointment. Early last week . At this point I was a little worried but not really.  Urgent 2ww referral made to the clinic and now having to wait until the 14th. 
feeling very alone and frightened as I’m 44 I have 2 children in their 20’s and 2 younger ones at secondary school. My younger children’s father and partner advises not to worry anyone until I have my tests. I don’t have a great support network in either friends or family.

I don’t want to worry my oldest ones but I do have a sinking feeling and anxiety that it is cancer… not just because of the lump but other ongoing symptoms. The thought of getting a diagnosis and then sharing it with them seems harder than maybe preparing them by sharing it as suspected. I believe they would want to know now rather than after a diagnosis or I am being selfish? 
everything online talks about waiting for a diagnosis.

14 posts since

29 May 2021



sorry to hear this! I feel what your going through. I found a lump and waiting on biopsy results. Dr was reassuring and my family keep saying don’t worry but head goes to these negative places thinking I’m gonna die. No one understands, the wait is torture!

I tried to go to work and got emotional so they sent me home; I just feel like it’s ruining everything. I hope you will be okay, your allows to feel how you want to feel. Everyone says think positively but I think why if I might get told bad news next week?

ive only been waiting on results since Tuesday and I can’t cope waiting another 6 days now!

im sorry to hear you are going through this with little support, I’m here if you need someone to talk to 

wishing you all the best xx

135 posts since

1 Apr 2021

Hi sorry to hear this. Are you close to your 2 in their 20’s. 

My 2 are both married now 30 and 27 we are very close as went through hell when we left their dad in 2005. They both knew I was going for a routine screening and my son even asked had I had my results just before I was recalled. 

I have been open and honest with them I have triple negative and had surgery on 21st April and Starr chemo on 11th. We are all scared but supporting each other. Plus telling them means no secrets which helps when they then sat how are you. 

Reaching out on here is a start as we all going through something so chatting with those in similar situations helps. You can friend people so it’s easier to chat happy to do that if you want. 

Best wishes

Louise xx

4 posts since

17 May 2021


Im sorry to interrupt but trust me I know how exhausting to JUST WAIT for these results !

I’ve got my breast biopsy done on Monday and I have a face to face appointment on this thursday with a surgeon to discuss my results. Is this how you are going to receive your results aswell ? My lmphy nodes under my arms kept swelling and going down which they think it is related to my breast lump. Even though I was told my breasy lump was benign 5 years ago, the doctor who did my biopsy said that things can change over years, hence why I had a biopsy again as my lump looked suspicious. I am literally doing everything to keep my mind busy but I can not stop thinking about some stuff. Preparing myself for the good and the bad is so hard. I hope everything goes well for you and please keep us updated !

Im wishing you all the best,


23 posts since

16 May 2021


I have literally just received my biopsy results on wed 26th, I found a lump and was referred and didn’t tell anyone, but after the biopsys were taken I was so upset and worried that I told my son who’s 30 years old, he came with me on the 26th as I was advised to bring someone with me.

Its not nice to go through, I was told I have stage 2 breast cancer, I’m 49 years old, and also got a 10 year old daughter.  I’m glad he was there with me he was inconsolable but we got all the info we needed, and are now waiting for appt for mastectomy !

This site is great just to chat and everyone understands what u are going through.


98 posts since

22 Apr 2021



The only thing I would say is … You should do what is best for you. If you feel you need to share your worries now so that you can feel supported then share them. Usually as parents we are the ones to look after our children. Sometimes we need them (as they get older). No it won’t be a nice conversation to have. But, once out in the open hopefully you will feel better supported. I haven’t told my teenage sons yet as the eldest was in the middle of exams when I was diagnosed. I’m telling them tomorrow – they’ve been away with their Dad. I have a strong support network but have still found it hard keeping it from the boys. I will be relieved when it is out in the open for all our sakes. 

Sending love and please do what you think is best for you  xxx 

suspected breast cancer and worried anxious waiting

Research & References of suspected breast cancer and worried anxious waiting|A&C Accounting And Tax Services