2 week referal for possible cervical cancer. Scared

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45 posts since

27 May 2017

Hello everyone. I cant belive I’m writing this! I was already registered as my mum passed away a few years ago to cancer. This forum was great support for me. But now I’m back for myslef

For a few months I’ve been noticing changes, bleeding, spotting, low tummy aches. And a general feeling that something wasn’t right. To the point of looking at life insurance to support my 5 children if the worst happens. But it’d too late for that now. 

I booked my smear for a month early and I went yesterday. Firstly the nurse couldn’t see my cervix. I had to put my hands under my lower back. As soon as she touched my cervix I started to bleed, alot. Straight away she said my cervix looks jagged. She called a doctor in and they both agreed my cervix is a cause for concern. I’ve been put on the 2 week referal. The doctor said a word of something it could be, other than cancer. I cant remember what she said, and Google is just saying cancer what ever I type. 

I’m a wreck!!! I haven’t stopped going to the toilet since i got back yesterday, I feel so sick, my head is spinning. I’m.a single parent to 5 kids, 3 of which have additional needs. Im so scared for them!  I have no money, I’m in dept. My parents both died young from cancer. I have no family around around. I do have a couple of really good friends so at least that’s something. 

I know I’m not alone in this. So many women get diagnosed every day. But how do you cope? Will my kids be responsible for my depts? How will they pay for a funeral. So many questions, im going out my mind .

701 posts since

14 Oct 2018

Hi Kaitlyn

I’m sorry you’re so worried, but the best thing you can do while you wait for your appointment is stay away from google! It is the source of a huge amount of increased anxiety when you don’t know yet what could be the matter, and it cannot diagnose you. We can all make things fit a cancer diagnosis if we look hard enough and it’s not usually the case.

I’m surprised that the word cancer was mentioned at this early stage before you’ve even seen a gynaecologist for further investigation. Do you remember if cervical ectropion was mentioned? That is not cancer but is a condition that can cause bleeding. You really need a specialist to confirm what’s going on, and a gp is not a gynaecologist. 

Try not to jump to worst case scenarios before you know more…it seems like you already think you have a death sentence. Even cervical cancer is not necessarily a death sentence-I’m still here almost 3 years after diagnosis and having been through this cancer twice. 

But the best thing possible at the moment is not to google! Keep in touch if you need to, but try and keep yourself calm while you’re waiting. Hopefully you will find out that you have something much less serious than a cancer diagnosis to deal with.

45 posts since

27 May 2017

Thank you for your reasuring words. The nurse and the doctor looked very concerned  they have filled me with fear! I can’t stop crying. Can’t eat, forcing a smile for the kids 

The hospital called me earlier on today. I’m booked in in Tuesday. I dont know what they are going to do, inwas jus told it would be further investigation. 

Yes that might have been the word she used. 

Thank you for your reply 

701 posts since

14 Oct 2018

Oh, I’m glad you don’t have long to wait. Initially you will likely be meeting with a gynaecologist who will want to examine you to see what’s going on and you should hopefully know more shortly after that. 

I hope your appointment goes well, but please keep in touch if you need any support or advice on anything..this is a very supportive community of people. 

45 posts since

27 May 2017

Thank you 

2 posts since

29 May 2021

How did you get on? Xx

45 posts since

27 May 2017

Hello. Not good im afraid 

I went to the specialist. She did a biopsy, diagnosed viginal prolapse and also said i wasn’t stitched up properly after having my last child. But most worrying she said my cervix looks very abnormal. Aswel as everything around it. She booked me straight In for an urgent MRI and scan.  However, The day of the appointment I had a big bleed with clots from the womb.  so I ended up spending the night in hospital. The MRI and scans were booked  for the following week. I’ve been for those now (a few weeks ago) and I have an appointment back with the specialist/ gynecologist on the 7th June for the results.

I’ve prepared myself for the worst, but still hoping for a good outcome. The waiting is horrendous. But I will know soon enough I guess.

Hope your all good xx

2 week referal for possible cervical cancer. Scared

Research & References of 2 week referal for possible cervical cancer. Scared|A&C Accounting And Tax Services