Hiring and Managing Others Collection

Publication Date:
April 26, 2017

This five-volume digital collection provides straightforward, practical advice on hiring the right people, onboarding new employees, and helping them succeed. It offers concise, practical tips from leading experts to help you learn and apply strategies and tactics to work smarter and more effectively, every day. 1) You at Work: Hiring and Keeping the Right People provides best practices and tips on hiring and keeping your most valuable employees. 2) The HBR Guide to Coaching Employees Ebook + Tools offers proven principles and techniques for successful coaching enhanced with sample scripts, customizable worksheets, questionnaires, and useful checklists to instantly apply these concepts with your team. 3) HBR Tools: Goal Setting will help you support your team in setting specific, challenging, and measurable goals. 4) HBR Tools: Performance Reviews will give you the resources and confidence you need to effectively navigate review time. 5) The Latest Research: Diversity, a curated article collection created by our editors, includes the best research pieces on diversity published by Harvard Business Review over the past few years. Save more than 15% off the individual component prices when you order this collection.

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Hiring and Managing Others Collection

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