Severe Breast Pain – In late 20s

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3 posts since

29 Dec 2019

* Please help*

im in my late 20s and have been experiencing horrendous breast pain for 6+ months, I’ve been to my GP twice, on the first occasion they brushed it off with being related to my menstraul cycle and told me if it hadn’t improved to return, a month later and the pain worsened so I made another appointment, this doctor did a physical examination, and explained my breasts felt slightly lumpy but that can be normal but would book my in with my local breast clinic for a ultrasound scan to rule out any cysts. I went to my breast clinic appointment. – and the consultant was really dismissive, when I explained my symptoms and pain – she seems extremely unsympathetic and unresponsive, she did a physical examination and wrote me off with breast pain related to my bra?! Wouldn’t follow through with the scan.. she advised me to change my bra to ether a non wired bra or a sports bra. 
I did both.. I also followed advice to take ibuprofen and paracetamol, cold and hot compress and inuropen gel. The pain has intensified so much so – I’ve had to stop wearing bras altogether. As a 27 year old this along makes me extremely self conscious but it’s the only sense of relief I get. Every morning when I wake my right breast is so so sore. It aches all day radiating into my armpit, I get a burning sensation across my chest and down into my abdomen which almost feels like a rash but there’s nothing visible to see. Since experiencing the pain, I’ve suffered awful nights sweats almost nightly. I sleep with my window open (in December) and just in shorts and a loose cami top. 
I haven’t started any new medications. 
I tried making another doctors appointment and had a week and a half wait… of which I know they’ll probably only refer me for another scan, including another wait. I took myself down to my local minor injuries unit hoping they’d be able to offer me a ultra scan there and then – they didnt even do an examination. Told me to go back to my local Gp. I went home and rang 111. They told me they’d put me on a call back list from out of hours Gp – (of which id already done myself early that morning) your meant to hear back within 6 hours. the receptionist rang me following the 111 request, saying I wouldn’t be getting a call back as they’re too busy. 
I honestly don’t know where to turn – I feel like I’m not being taken seriously. And it’s draining me so much I’m just exhausted and cry through frustration. 
has anyone experienced anything similar and had an outcome??? Or any advice of where I should turn next – should I take myself down to A&E?? 

9 posts since

28 Dec 2019

Hey hun I’m sorry to hear this but I would take yourself down to the a&e and get it sorted and just explain how painful it is and demand to be seen.. I hope it all goes well chick I really do… let us know how you get on.. but do go and get it checked because it sounds like you need to .

Beth xx

1474 posts since

14 Dec 2018

Hi, just wondering how your getting on? 

3 posts since

29 Dec 2019

so I went down to A&E first thing this morning, was seen by a triage nurse who told me, it’s not really an emergency and that’d I’d have to wait to be seen by my Gp who would need to refer me. Even though I’d explained the endless appointments I’ve already been through.. I questioned that; I had to go and make a Gp appointment for them to send me back to you? She basically said yes. 
I really feel as thought I’m not being taken seriously and it’s really upsetting. 

1474 posts since

14 Dec 2018

I can understand your worry. Is there a history in your family of bc? 

Although bc in your age group is extremely uncommon it mustn’t be ruled out….sounds like you have no choice but to return to the gp, can you ask for a different doctor? 

Is the pain constant? Your anxiety about it might be making things worse? 

Im sorry your going through this stress, so frustrating when your not taken seriously….my only advice would be to stay off google….as I know that google would be pointing to inflammatory bc…and the odds of that for you is very slim….xx

3 posts since

29 Dec 2019

I’ve made a GP appointment – and managed to get in this Saturday. Which will be with a GP from any number of clinics but they’ll have my history there. 
It’s just then the wait of another appointment with the breast clinic. That if they even decide to then refer me. 

No, no medical history of breast cancer within the family. A long line of different cancers however. 
my initial go too thought isn’t that it’s cancer. I’m thinking more along the lines of a cyst possibly. But a big one.. that’s getting progressively bigger. 
I wish the nurse took my case seriously the first time I went to the breast clinic and did the ultrascan as requested by my GP that time around. At least then I’d know what I was dealing with. 

5 posts since

5 Mar 2021

Hi I know this is quite an old thread but I’m wondering how you got on with your pain and if you had any follow up appointments ? im in a similar position I am only 23. hope all is well xxx 

5 posts since

12 Nov 2020

Hi Laur_23,

I’m just joining this thread as I’ve seen your question and it relates to my current situation. Today I was referred to the breast clinic for tenderness in my right breast. I have hypochondria so this experience is getting really dark already. How are you getting on? My only symptom is slight pain and tenderness. I hope you’re well. 


5922 posts since

15 Jul 2010

Hi Francesca,

I have just noticed you post and felt that I had to reply. You should only have to wait up to 2 weeks to get your appointment at the breast clinic. You have done the right thing in getting referred, as this is the only way to find out for certain. This is a scary time, because there are so many unknowns. Regardless of the outcome, you will feel better once you know either way and can start treatment if needed.

Whatever you do, please stay away from Google, as this will only scare you further for no good reason. Try to remember that it’s not cancer until you’re told that it is. Of all the people referred to the breast clinic, only 1 person in every 8 receives a cancer diagnosis and not all lumps are cancerous. Some can be due to benign cysts for example.

Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

Kind regards,

Jolamine xx

5 posts since

12 Nov 2020

Dear Jolamine,

Thank you so much for your reply. I was examined by my GP today and she felt no lumps in either of my breasts. I’m only 20 and take the pill, so I thought any tenderness would be due to that, and therefore, be deemed okay. I was just shocked that she referred me due to tenderness. I’m very scared and just waiting for the call to see when I can go in. 

frankie. Xxx

5922 posts since

15 Jul 2010


Hi Frankie,

It sounds as if your GP is playing cautious and just wants to make absolutely sure, which is good. I am just a breast cancer pilgrim and have no medical training.  Breast cancer is seldom accompanied by pain, so hopefully this is hormonal in your case.

Waiting to be seen is scary. Try to keep yourself busy to make the time pass more quickly.

Please let us know how you get on.

Kind regards,

Jolamine xx

5 posts since

12 Nov 2020

Hi everyone,

Firstly I’d like to say thank you to Jolamine; your response really helped me yesterday Happy

I just got a letter through the door that says that my referral is being reviewed. Does anyone know what this means? It says I will be contacted by either the hospital/specialist or my GP with more details. 

Frankie xxx

5922 posts since

15 Jul 2010


Hi Frankie,

It is impossible to say why your referral is being reviewed. I would imagine that it may partly depend upon what your GP said in your referral and your age. This is only my guess. It may be that your GP mentioned that she found no lumps and the hospital staff don’t think that tenderness is sufficient reason to refer you. Because cancer is less likely in someone of your age, younger people often find it difficult to get referred to the breast clinic. Sadly, although cancer is rare in younger people, it does still occur.

Younger people sometimes have to stick to their guns if they suspect cancer. If you are happy enough with your GPs findings that’s fine, but if not, be ready to insist on being seen. Sorry I can’t be more helpful than this.

Kind regards,

Jolamine xx


5 posts since

12 Nov 2020

Hi Jolamine,

thank you for your reply. I still haven’t had a call yet about the referral. The letter said that I would be contacted by now. When I call the clinic I cannot get through. I just need to know where I’m at, but I have to be patient. 

I just wish all of this was over. It’s very worrying and tough. hope you’re all ok.  Xx



5922 posts since

15 Jul 2010


Hi Frankie,

These clinics can be very busy, so it can be difficult to get an answer. Don’t give up. Keep calling the clinic and you will finally get through.

Try to keep yourself busy in the meantime, as time can seem to stand still while you’re waiting.

I hope that all turns out well for you. Please keep in touch and let us know when you hear something.

Kind regards,

Jolamine xx

Severe Breast Pain – In late 20s

Research & References of Severe Breast Pain – In late 20s|A&C Accounting And Tax Services