Any other men going through breast cancer treatment?

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3 posts since

24 Feb 2021


I’m about to have cycle 5 of chemo for breast cancer. I’m having treatment first before surgery followed by radio and then further injections three weeks a part for 12 cycles. 

I appreciate this type of cancer is rare in men and I’ve struggled to find any forums for guys to talk about this. I’m reaching out to vent what I’m going through and feel I should do so.

My family have been brilliant and supportive but we sadly have an unfortunate history for cancer. I lost my mum and she was only 61. 

I have just turned 40, my prognosis is very good but this whole process as many of you know is daunting, takes time and effects your ‘normal’ day to day life. 

A long intro I know but it’s made me feel better writing this. 


5865 posts since

15 Jul 2010


Hi Steve,

A very warm welcome to the forum that nobody really wants to join. I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Unfortunately, men are prone to breast cancer too, although less frequently than women. I am afraid that I don’t know of any specific forums for men with breast cancer, although I’m sure that there must be some. 

I am so sorry to hear that you lost your mum to cancer – I did too. I am glad to hear that your prognosis is good and that you have a supportive family. I have had 2 bouts in the past 11 years and am currently undergoing tests for a third. It is a scary business, but it gets easier once you begin treatment and start to fight it. I sincerely hope that the chemo reduces your tumour before surgery. How are you coping with the chemo?

There have been some men on this forum throughout the years. If you go to the search bar at the top of this page and insert your title or something similar, you should find some of them. In the meantime, please remember that we are always here for you – on the bad days as well as the good. It always helps to vent!

Please keep in touch.

Kind regards,


3 posts since

24 Feb 2021

Hi Jolamime

Thank you your reply and understanding my need to vent. I’m glad you confirmed what I’ve researched, is guys are in the minority with this particular cancer and as such info / forums to access other guys going through this doesn’t seem to exist for breast cancer. It’s taken me 4 sessions )12 weeks) to pluck up the courage to post. 

Re the chemo and results so far I have been told I’m doing well so far. The scan has shown significant reduction of the tumour so far. 

I have session 5 of 6 next Thursday. The side effects were more extreme after the first. Such as my mouth, ulcers, rash, spots and my stomach has not been right throughout regardless of what I attempt to eat. The dexomethasene (forgive spelling) I have pre chemo and for a theee days after cause sleepless night and initially a sugar craving and actually a decent appetite. I started to see why you could put on weight through this process. Since session 3 and even more so these last ten days after session 4 I lost all taste, appetite and cravings. Spicy food which I loved is now a complete no no. Only since Monday have I been able to taste and enjoy some simple foods. The back of my tongue made everything taste awful. So I don’t look forward to that after the next two sessions. 

I have a meeting with my oncologist on Monday to discuss the operation schedule. 

Thanks again for your reply.

Take care




5865 posts since

15 Jul 2010


Hi Steve,

I have just done a simple search for breast cancer forums for men and think that you may find some of the addresses below helpful. I cannot vouch for any of these, but they make a start for you. There are plenty of other ones if you want to do a search yourself.

I am delighted to hear that you are coping with the chemo and that the tumour has shrunk. I haven’t had chemo myself, but understand that the side-effects can build up with each session. It is great that you are coming to the end of it and, I hope that things will soon begin to taste better again. Are you drinking plenty of liquids? Here’s hoping that all goes well with your oncologist on Monday and you can move on to surgery soon. I have had both a lumpectomy and a double mastectomy in the past 11 years and can assure you that both were a lot easier to get through than I expected.

Please keep in touch and let us know what transpires on Monday.

Kind regards,



677 posts since

1 Sep 2010

Hi Steve

Jolamine has given you some great support already and some very helpful links. We would recommend that the most reliable information can be found at… 

I hope you find it useful but don’t hesistate to post here or give our nurses a shout if you need to ask anything

Best wishes


3 posts since

24 Feb 2021

Thanks for all for these and taking the time to respond. 

I too have googled and seen these similar links and read some of these from the start when I was diagnosed. My point still kind of stands. Anyhow I’ve read a lot and sadly had some prior knowledge from my mums experiences although mine is different and I have chosen to do chemo. A decision maybe my mum should have made too but hey that  was her call.

My GP to be fair has been awesome and she calls me every 2/3 weeks to ask how I am, asks if need anything and to generally chat with me, what a legend she is. Above and beyond bearing mind how busy they all are. 

Anyways, I hope everyone is doing the best they can. I’m back in for cycle 5 Thursday. Only one to do after, the end of  this chemo treatment is in sight! 

Thanks again everyone.





5865 posts since

15 Jul 2010


Hi Steve,

I am delighted to see that Sarah has added a more reputable site and hope that this is one that you haven’t tried yet. I am sorry to hear you say that your point still stands. I agree that none seem as robust as this one is, but have found throughout the past 11 years, that the best way to make a site become active is to keep contributing to it.

It is great that you have such good support from your GP. We hear about the bad experiences, but seldom hear about the good. Mine too has been legend, especially throughout this pandemic. She has phoned me regularly just to check in with me and has even seen me a couple of times when needed.

I am sure that you are relieved to see the end of your chemo sessions in sight and, hope that all goes well from here on in.

Kind regards,

Jlamine xx

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