Positive FIT test has led to an urgent referral. Terrified

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1 posts since

22 Sep 2019

I am 32 and have suffered from IBS for a number of years. In the last year, since having my daughter, my symptoms have become much worse. I had blood tests last month and did the FIT test. On Friday the GP rang me as my test had come back with an abnormal result. He said they needed to make an urgent referral for a colonoscopy as they were looking for more sinister causes for the blood such as cancer. I’m so worried that I have bowel cancer. I have had a change in bowel habits in the last month and I’ve googled too much and scared myself. My family are very positive and are trying to make me think positively but I am just so scared. 

1403 posts since

12 Jan 2011

Hi Mumofone32. Welcome to the forum.

I am not a doctor and I have no medical qualifications.  However, I have suffered from IBS for over 40 years. 

Sorry to hear about this worrying issue. Well done for including your age, because I hope I can make you feel a little less worried.   At your age, the incidence of colon cancer is very low, around 7 per 100,000. Those are pretty good odds. 

An abnormal FIT test is not uncommon, but only a few of these ever turn out to be cancer. 

Of course, the doctors would be failing in their duty if they didn’t give you the colonoscopy, but I’m pretty sure that no one expects to find anything seriously wrong. 

I know it’s difficult to relax but the odds really are on your side.

Once you’re through the test, I suggest you return to your GP and ask about the FODMAP exclusion diet.  It was through this regimen that I discovered my personal IBS triggers, and now I’ve cut them out of my diet, my life has improved considerably.  It’s difficult, particularly when starting out, but if you’re desperate then you’ll try anything, and it might just work for you.  However, don’t try to do it by yourself; discuss if with your GP. 


8 posts since

17 Oct 2019

Hi – I am 72 and have had a very similar experience to yours (apart from having a baby recently – that happened 32 years ago Grin)

 I’ve been having worse IBS symptoms for at least 2 months. Yesterday I got a call from the hospital saying my FIT test was positive (the numbers – which mean nothing to me – were 265; normal is 100 or below) and I needed to come in urgently for a colonoscopy. I have struggled with health anxiety all my life – it’s now through the roof. Don’t know how I’ll get through the 4 days until the test. 

Have you had your colonoscopy? I hope it showed nothing sinister and you are beginning to feel better so you can enjoy your baby. 

2 posts since

18 Oct 2019


i am in a similar situation to you. I am 37, I have had ibs for 

over 15 years, suffered constipation for years and also 

bloating, just learnt to live with it. Had a change in stools 

but only very breifly. I pushed the doctor to do a FIT test , which has come back abnormal and I will be referred for a colonoscopy. Tired to call the doctor today but he can’t speak to me untill Monday so my mind is going in overly.not sure when I will get the letter to attend further testing but I am totally bricking it and so scared they will find cancer. I am trying to keep postive

7 posts since

23 Nov 2019

Hiya if you don’t mind me asking how did you get on with colonoscopy 

2 posts since

18 Oct 2019


colonscopy went really well, it wasn’t the nicest thing to have but  made my mind rest, nothing sinster found, one small polyp but the specialist said it’s not cancer.

69 posts since

27 Mar 2020

Hi Roxanna

can I ask how you got on with your colonoscopy. I have had a positive test to but unfortunately I can’t get a urgent test as they are stopping colonoscopies at the moment due to coronavirus.x

6 posts since

6 Apr 2020

Hi same here. 

Its left me in complete fear and anxiety. Due to coronavirus colonoscopies are not available!


The  lady on the phone was rather blunt about it…. i expressed I was scared and wanted to know what going on with my body and she said ‘you just have to wait’

6 posts since

6 Apr 2020

Hello, thanks for sharing.


I have had blood in my poop and change in bowel movements, my fit test came back high.


What were your symptoms?

69 posts since

27 Mar 2020

Hi Nat.

Some of these people are lovely but some are really clinical toward you with absolutely no empathy or compassion; it’s really not nice and you shouldn’t be spoken to that way.

I noticed they had a cancer treatment question on the coronavirus news programme….the health spokesperson was told….”we’ve had lots and lots of questions from people awaiting diagnosis of possible cancer or (hopefully) not and cancer patients who have been told that treatment has now been suspended. Is it true you are denying treatment to these patients” (or words similar) and the reply was brief and twisted. She said anyone with cancer that needed “urgent” treatment, would be given treatment and the rest would have to be patient and wait. 

The reality is, diagnosis, and treatments have been stopped. They are not classed as urgent. The only time a cancer patient will be classed as urgent and therefore get any treatment is if they are actually days away from death and then, and only then when death is imminent would they become eligible.

It’s absolutely disgusting and we need to continue to bombard these question times and our MPs with requests/demands, to get this changed and implore them to open some dedicated cancer hospitals.

The government has to find money to fund civil treatment and equipment so in my opinion he government is robbing Peter (cancer treatments) to pay Paul, Clovid virus treatments, and it’s just not fair. 

Have you heard anything from your hospital regarding your colonoscopy date or anything yet?

You mentioned that you have had a high FIT test, did they give you the number that your result came in at. x

6 posts since

6 Apr 2020



Yes 265 I think,

When I done the fit test some poop didn’t look like it had blood at all and other poop was loose with blood so I put the lil stick in the most worrying bit of poop if that make sense.

I contacted the hospital and complained that I have been left in limbo…. i suffer from severe anxiety so this is causing major greif as I have 3 kids to look after.


I have a CT scan on the 16th, I went down to the hospital to pick up the meds to clear me out.

Obviously they say not to use Google and so on but how can you not, I feel really naive and shocked that there are diseases out there that can literally just pop up out of nowhere potentially….


Ive been dismissed by doctors over the years with regards to pain and bloating claiming its IBS too much use of ibuprofen…. now im scared it could of been something else all along

69 posts since

27 Mar 2020

Hi Nat

I’m glad to hear you’re getting a CT scan. I know how anxious you must be. You’re in the system now though and that’s positive. 

Btw, Ithink the scores go up to 1000 so 258 is deffinately a long way from the top.

It’s difficult not to google…but from what Google says it could be anything, there’s like loads of things it could be from something as simple as piles and they all have similar if not exact symptoms. It’s crazy!

You are having the CT scan on the 16th but I wondered why you need meds to clear you out for a CT scan or are the meds for when you get called for the colonoscopy. 

Have you got help/partner to look after the kids. They’re only letting the patient in, no one is allowed to accompany for out patient appointments at my local hospital.

Where have you had pain. Was it all over pain in your tummy from bloating or sharp pains in a specific area. 





138 posts since

29 Mar 2020

I have also been calling my doctor regarding my sigmoidoscopy as I have blood in stool. They apparently can not risk having people in for a camera and then they get Covid, so I’ve been put on hold. I was offered a ct scan, but I don’t want that done, I would rather sigmoidoscopy as that sees more.

6 posts since

6 Apr 2020

Hi ya,

You also need to be cleared out for the colonography so they can get a clear picture…. but researching again im upset and scared as it says a ct colonography can miss things and if there is something wrong its another horrific waiting game.

As I have 3 kids its causing me to feel angry and let down by the NHS while others are clapping they do not realise that people with potentially life threatening diseases and being told ‘sorry you just have to wait’ no compassion or reassurance

Im single mum and was in a really happy place until this…. now I cant focus at all. I have an amazing support network but i feel alone.


Reading about positive fit tests all state a high fit test only point towards cancer

Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT): common questions

What is a FIT?

FIT (Fecal Immunochemical Test) is a stool test used to look for possible signs of colorectal cancer. This test is able to look for a specific type of blood in your stool which helps identify if you have any polyps (pre-cancerous growths) in your colon.


Sorry to be so down its just crazy how something in a short space of time can turn life upside down. 

69 posts since

27 Mar 2020

Hi Nat

I have read what you posted and you have to read the words again especially the word “PRE”- ……..PRE-cancerous and you just have to hold onto that thought the best you can. I know it’s **** and scary. I have kids. I know where you’re coming from. I’m on my own too. It sucks but you’ll go under mentally if you don’t hold on to the positive thoughts.x

I believe your CT scan is today and I hope it’s gone well for you. I have read about CT scans and I think the PET CT scan (combined) is a good scan and pretty accurate at picking anything up. I don’t know which you’ve had or how soon people have had results back but hopefully they will be back soon and okay. You just have to hold on to that thought. 

I hope once you have had your scan, you will be in the system and get a colonoscopy soon too but that’s something I just pray everyday will happen for everyone out there. 

Let me know how it goes hun.


Positive FIT test has led to an urgent referral. Terrified

Research & References of Positive FIT test has led to an urgent referral. Terrified|A&C Accounting And Tax Services