Pathology wait
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We know it’s a worrying time for people with cancer. Please read our information about coronavirus and cancer alongside this page. If you have symptoms of cancer you should still contact your doctor and go to any appointments you have. Spotting cancer early means treatment is more likely to be successful.
2 posts since
6 Feb 2020
Diagnosed with breast cancer grade 2,begining of January. Lumpectomy and sentinal node biopsy 29/1/20. Just been informed that it’s a six week wait to get the pathology results back.? Why when all the information I have found states that pathology reports take 2-3 weeks.Has anyone else had to wait this long? It’s inhumane my emotions are all over the place,just added stress at a time when your most vulnerable.
4992 posts since
15 Jul 2010
Hi Sueshine,
Welcome to the forum that nobody really wants to join. I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis and the long wait you have before you’ll get your pathology results back. These are usually back within 1-2 weeks. Perhaps there is a backlog because of the Christmas/New Year holidays, or maybe your consultant is on holiday? Alternatively, they may be carrying out additional tests, which they sometimes have to do.
Your wait must seem like an eternity. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the past 10 years and only waited 1 week in both cases, but even that felt like forever at the time. Have you tried phoning your consultant’s secretary? She should be able to tell you the reason for this delay and, you could tell her that you are willing to accept any cancellations that come up earlier.
The way you’re feeling is not unusual. Most of us feel like you at this stage.
I hope that you can manage to get your appointment brought forward and that it is good news when you get it.
Please let us know the outcome. We are always here for you.
Kind regards,
Jolamine xx
4992 posts since
15 Jul 2010
Hi Sueshine,
I have lost your friend request as I tried to reply. It didn’t open properly and then just disappeared. Could you please send another request?
Many thanks,
Jolamine xx
2 posts since
6 Feb 2020
Thanks ,I think it’s down to the fact that there are not enough pathologists,in the hospital I attend.I cant request an earlier appointment with my consultant until the specimens have been reported on and it’s this that I have been told will take six weeks.
So it’s a case of trying to deal with the increased stress and levels over the next 4 weeks ,easier said than done.
Pathology wait
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