Privacy Versus Convenience, And The Future Of Internet Marketing
Privacy and convenience have been pulling people in different directions even before the Internet was created. Consumers had unlisted phone numbers to keep junk mail and telemarketers at bay; corporate buyers withheld important details about their business to keep competitors and salespeople guessing.
But the tradeoff between privacy and convenience is probably the major issue of Internet marketing today and tomorrow — due to, among other things, the effects of horrific, widely publicized security breaches and the perceived (and probably actual) intrusiveness of data collection and tracking done by social media platforms, online advertisers, healthcare organizations and government agencies.
Will heightened privacy concerns lead consumers to shield data to such an extent that Internet marketing becomes ineffective? Here are articles that explore the issues — important reading for Internet marketing professionals.
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Privacy Versus Convenience, And The Future Of Internet Marketing
Research & References of Privacy Versus Convenience, And The Future Of Internet Marketing|A&C Accounting And Tax Services