There are many distinct, inventive, and inexpensive ways that many
new business

owners use to promote their companies. Compared to the conventional methods of direct
mail advertising, telemarketing, and the use of broadcast media, business owners
are now relying upon novel approaches to market their goods. Guerilla and subliminal
marketing are used by many companies as a fast and effective means to gain publicity
and to sell their products and services. In addition, the use of podcasts, blogs,
and social networking sites have also become popular alternatives to traditional
means. Whatever the method, business owners are able to successfully establish recognition,
credibility, profitability, and a wide consumer base.

Guerilla marketing
This term is used to describe unique, imaginative, and cost-efficient ways to advertise
a product or service. Often times, small business owners will resort to this form
of marketing because it is cheaper and sometimes more successful than traditional
marketing strategies. The purpose is to “creatively” attract customers to buy a
given product or service. An example of guerilla marketing can be found in most
restaurants. Many restaurant pagers will advertise their drink and/or meal special
on the devise. People become more aware of the restaurant’s special deals as they
are waiting to be seated and because of the ad, they will often buy the foods that
are advertised.

Another example of guerilla marketing is hot air balloon ads. During county fairs,
marathons, and other outdoor social gatherings fast food chains, telephone companies,
gas and electric companies, and automobile dealerships will advertise their logo
on hot air balloons that appear in the sky overhead. The purpose is to simply raise
awareness to their business. Many companies have found this type of advertisement
effective since everyone is able to view their logo.

Subliminal advertising
Subliminal advertising is a form of marketing where a message is deliberately embedded
within an image or sound. Many people may not be consciously aware they are being
exposed to such implications, but will often change their actions and attitudes
after viewing or listening to the advertisement. A successful subliminal advertisement
is one that inconspicuously entices consumers to buy and use various products and
services. For example, in the 1980’s, Camel Cigarettes were known to use hidden
sexual images within their campaign ads. What may look like a regular cigarette
advertisement actually contained embedded phallic images. The ads implication was
that it was “sexy” to smoke; therefore, many people were prompted to smoke the Camel
brand because they were unconsciously affected by the advertisement.

Other examples of subliminal advertisements are in-store air-borne aromas and other
product visual manipulations that have been scientifically proven to create consumer
impulse spending. Some retail clothing stores may even embed hidden phrases within
their overhead music in order to keep the customer within their store for longer
periods of time. The longer that a customer stays within a store, the more likely
they will find something they like. Most often, these customers end up purchasing
the item(s). For example, during the holidays many candle stores will light their
entire store and storefront with many holiday-related scents, such as cinnamon,
vanilla, gingerbread, etc. Many people who are buying gifts for relatives and friends
are easily attracted to the scents and are lured inside. Often times, they may be
convinced to purchase candles and other scented items from the store because they
are highly influenced by the delightful aroma of Christmas time.

Subliminal advertisements are not limited to just visual and auditory manipulations.
Car sales representatives and even pharmaceutical companies may use a dissociation
technique, which is a form of mental manipulation. They have carefully set questions
to convince the consumer to buy something, even if they do not need or cannot afford

One innovative way to market a new business is through the use of podcasts. Podcasting
is a technological term in which digital media (audio and video) can be transmitted
from online to one’s own personal computer or portable media device. Podcasts serve
as a fast and convenient way in which many new businesses can use the online community
to reach their targeted audiences. The advantage of utilizing podcasts is that prospective
customers who are interested in a business proposal can simply click and download
the desired podcast. This digital information can be shared instantly with anyone
at anytime. In addition, podcasts can be distributed through many different channels
on the internet, greatly increasing consumer awareness and sales. It is no wonder
that podcast marketing serves as an effective way to generate online traffic and
to increase the amount of transactions and consumer base.

For example, many automobile companies use podcasts as a branding, marketing, and
sales tool. Their podcasts may provide information regarding the launch of a new
automobile model or other different topics such as tips on roadside traveling and
vacation destinations. In addition, many popular resorts also use podcasts regularly
to entice consumers. The podcasts can include any upcoming special events that may
take place at the resort, behind-the-scene interviews and tours, as well as news
about new exhibits and expeditions. For the most part, podcasts need to be highly
appealing for the target audience in order for them to view the business and consider
buying its products and services.

Another novel approach to marketing is the use of forums and blogs. Just as podcasting
attracts online audiences, blogs and forums also serve as an excellent and simple
way to bring attention to a new business. A recent study conducted reveals that
there is an increasing number of blogs than in previous years. Since blogging is
the online equivalent to a verbal discussion, an
needs to make sure
that their blog is interesting to read, informative, and friendly to their online
audience. The advantage of blogging in entrepreneur marketing is that it allows
the business owner to conduct a dialogue with the potential customer. On most blog
and forum sites, customers can post their questions or comments, and the new business
owner will reply to all inquiries.

For example, a premier pharmaceutical company can write a blog about a new medication
that will lower cholesterol. They can mention the possible side effects of the drug
and even post the results of a recent clinical trial that demonstrated their medication
was far superior than the leading competitors. Many people who suffer from hypercholesterolemia
can post inquiries regarding the medication and learn more information based on
the feedback of other readers. If promising, they may ask their physicians to write
a prescription for the new medication if they have been unsuccessful with their
previous regimen. This consumer can easily tell their friends, especially if they
have had positive results. The pharmaceutical company, in turn, can easily distribute
this medication to physician offices and medical facilities when requested.

Profiles on social networking sites
Initially created for dating, peer-related activities, family reunions, and communal
announcements, social networking sites can also serve as a professional platform
in which
can advertise their small businesses. It is an excellent
way for business owners to find people, references, and companies they may not otherwise
have access to. And because most membership is free of charge, many businesses take
advantage of this opportunity to build their online connections while advertising
their products and services. Many small businesses agree that social networking
sites such as MySpace and Facebook are beneficial in gaining recognition as well
as customer support. For example, a business owner can create an online profile
of their local diner on Facebook. In addition, they can post a menu and even showcase
frequent celebrity patrons. Many people who are familiar with this popular establishment
can simply dine there on a regular basis and even recruit new members by word of
mouth. Recognition of the diner can spread among the network and is a good way to
gain business.

Political candidates have also used social networking sites to gain campaign support.
For example, contenders of the upcoming 2008 U.S. Election all have feature profiles
for public view on many of the leading online social networks. Their profiles usually
feature a brief biography about themselves and up-to-date information concerning
their fundraising campaigns and political views. Many people who are not familiar
with political figures and their crusades can merely educate themselves by reading
the candidate’s profile content and decide who they should vote for based on the
profile information. The popularity of social networking sites, to gain support,
is just one of many effective online tools used by individuals, businesses, and
political figures/campaigns who want publicity.

New enterprises, especially small establishments, have to continuously fight among
competitors to get the recognition they deserve. Over the past several years, new
business owners have used innovative tactics to improve the overall market visibility
and sales of their company with little or no risk to their existing budgets. Guerilla
marketing is the latest technique among new business owners in which an advertisement
is placed in unique locations such as automobile doors or restaurant glassware.
Subliminal advertising can be seen anywhere, from billboards to magazine ads, which
convey deliberate, unconscious, messages that easily influence consumer spending.
There are also podcasts, which allow individuals to view anything from business
proposals to featured items to infomercials at their own convenience. In addition,
blogs not only help promote a new business but also encourages online community
conversation and feedback. Lastly, social networking sites have been proven to raise
the profile of an individual, company, or group. All of these mentioned examples
offer the
new ways to successfully reach the target audience effectively
without the risk of spending money for traditional means of advertising.


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