Social media marketing is a low-cost website promotion method that you can receive traffic, get links, exchange links, and raise possibilities to make your website more profitable through various social media channels.

Advantages of Social Media Marketing

Increase traffic with low cost: By adding your website link in your articles or comments on social media websites, you can receive a lot more traffic when your website content is relevant to your articles. The cost here is your time and any expenses for freelance writers if you hire them.

Relevant traffic (High quality traffic): When social media website users read your articles and gets interested enough to read more, they probably click the link of your website. These visitors tend to stay more on your website looking for more relevant information. This high quality has more potential to raise your conversion rate.

Search engine rankings: When you add your website link in your articles or comments and they are relevant to your website content, it will help your websites to rank better in search engine result pages. You’re getting natural links from those social media websites.

Get supporters: Even though visitors from social media websites don’t buy your website products / service, they can be your website supporters. They may recommend your website or spread good words about your site through other social media websites if they like your website.

What are the best strategies for social media marketing? Where to start and How to start?

Quality content: Contribute quality contents for social media community.

Connection: Connect to communities that you’re interested in. Be honest and sincere.

Helper: Be a helper that other users of social media websites appreciate. Don’t talk about yourself too much. Remember that it’s not about you in social media communities.

Multi-media content: Multi-media content gets more and more popular. If possible, create video content using your niche expertise. Make “How to” or “About” videos.

Blogs and broadcasting: Create your own blog(s). Write useful articles and broadcast them using blog search tools such as Technorati.

Communities / Groups: Join Yahoo Groups or social communities that are relevant to your business website and keep plentiful of member activities. Google “your field + social communities” or “your field + micro communities”. Join and share your knowledge and content with them.

Feeds: Set up feeds for blogging sites or news sites to get updated. Feeds are a great and fast way to get updated without even visiting sites. Use free feed reader software. More information about RSS feeds.

Click here for top social media resources.


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