Digg.com is a popular social news / bookmarking websites where people discover and share new content on the Internet. Users submit news, blog postings, web pages, images, and videos to share with others. Adding the Digg button will increase the opportunities to be “dugg”, which will help bringing more traffic to your blog.

There are some decent WordPress plug-ins to add the “Digg it” button to your blog posts and pages. Some of them come with detailed installation instructions as well.

I installed one of the most popular ones, but it shows the button on a separate line, resulting in moving the first paragraph to the next line as in the following image:

Put Digg Button to Your Blog

However, what I want is to have the text wrap around the image as in the most pages with Digg button I’ve seen on the Internet.

Add Digg This Button to WordPress Blog

Luckily, I’ve found out that I just need to add this simple line in the appropriate theme files – for me, single.php and index.php to show the button where I want it to be.


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